[RELz] Rahj I

Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:40 pm

Congratulations on the release! Glad to see this finally made it out into the world, it looks really good. As someone who did a fair amount of proofreading, I can say that the story and dialogue are great; I really look forward to actually playing it!
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 2:49 am

Just started playing it (thanks to your recommendation) and I'm digging it.

The storyline is interesting thus far and I'm liking the general idea of the quests. Also, the thought you put into your dialogue clearly shows but there are a few (not to be mean in any way but... quite a few..) dialoge errors.

Spelling, grammar, punctuation errors are all understandable so I'll leave those out for now (though they are very frequent and need a lot of fixing).

I'm talking about actual dialogue. For instance. I walked up to one of the guards (forgot the name of these guards I'm sorry) in Nagor the moment I stepped off the boat. The first thing I did was ask about the epedemic. The guard simply responded "Epedemic? Eh....no...no epedemic." (or something similar) then I asked about the Daedra______ (sorry once again I forgot something... I only played for an hour so far!! Once I'm done with it I'll be able to give a better review) the topic was spelled wrong and had Daedra and another word (started with an 'a') misspelled and merged with no space. Anywho I asked about that and the first line said "I think they are the cause of this whole epedemic..." soo.... the guard said there isn't an epidemic then right off the bat not only admits to the rumor being true but says he has suspicions that these daedra are the cause?

There are many errors like this in the dialogue all over the place. If you ask anyone in Nagor about the 'Brotherhood of the ____" (once again forgot) they all say the responce that is clearly meant for the one single guy saying they are all crazy for being in his celler. You never EVER get instructions on where to find Nahaah (think that's the alchemist's name) who I believe is a key part in the questline because the guard told me to talk to her about the epedemic. I finally found her in a schack hidden from view by using my mini map and going over every single indivisual interior entrance.

I'm using this mod in combination with your other Charactor Gen mod. Worked well for getting me quickly ready to play Rahj!

And last but not least a few bugs.

1) I had the Animated Grass mod active and it said it could not find the files yet I am nearly positive I installed them correctly.

2) Because of this error I deactivated the mod. Now here is the thing. I saved in Nagor then exited and deactivated it then loaded my save. For some reason I was in the Imperial Fort just outside of Balmora (Fort Moonmoth)!!!! I have no idea how that happened!

That's it. :)

So like I said I'm not trying to be to harsh at all. Just pointing out flaws in how your topics are organized and that the spelling, punctuation, and grammar need a total overhaul. So far I am really enjoying the mod though! Thank you!
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 3:06 am


Here is what I can tell you.

The daedra-something creatures the guard told you are not a mistake, but a part of the game. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/fms/Image.php?id=106495 for a view of a daedrargonian. :)
For the teleport to Moonmoth, say thanks to Morrowind engine. You should have saved in an interior cell, the game obviously did not like the major alteration done by the removal of the mod and sent you to the garbage cell.

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Josh Lozier
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 12:48 am

Dear Shaddow, I don't get your point very well. You're either trolling massively, or you didn't understand much of the stuff. As you don't want to be mean, I think you didn't understand. Many facts prove that, too, because :

- Daedrargonians are no typos at all, like Elterin said. If you actually read the texts when you had a chat with that Protector, I believe you would have understood.
- I didn't write "epedemic" but "epidemic". You made the typo there. More than 80% of the texts have been proofread by two native english speakers. I don't believe there are THAT MUCH grammar mistakes or typos. Even I don't do so many mistakes (I KNOW I do some, but come on...).
- The animated grass mod works fine, I don't know if anybody tried to install it there, but it's like ANY animated grass mod, you activate it to create Distant lands through MGE, then you disable it before playing.
- As for Naamah and the brotherhood, well, are some arrows pointing you where to go needed, like in Skyrim? My mods feature some simple moments where the player has to look for things by himself instead of being guided everywhere. That's part of the roleplay. By the way, a minor looking-around would have made it easy to understand than the brotherhood was actually reached with the trap door inside of Quicksilver's house, the one saying they're all crazy (obviously not the sole member of the brotherhood, since he's talking about the others...).

Only thing I actually agree with are the possible weird crossings between topics. It's true that Protectors can tell you about some epidemic in some topic, then tell you there is no epidemic at all through the main topic. Such errors happen in Morrowind too, it's very hard to check any possible reason that would make a topic change. Try to kill an NPC somewhere and then talk to some people about him : Most will keep their usual speech.

I find it sad that you "don't want to be mean" but you actually are (when saying that texts need a "total overhaul", it's quite harsh for the native speakers who proofread those), and I hope I'm not mean either, because I don't really want to. I'm only trying to clarify things a little, since it doesn't seem really obvious. Anyway, thanks for that feedback, and glad to know you at least enjoyed ICG, the character-generation mod.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:14 pm

I think you might be taking critisism a bit to harshly man.

Alright now that I have done all the research necessary by playing around with it for a bit longer I see some things I pointed out are wrong. Epidemic was not spelled wrong appologies for that. Though daedrargonions still seems to be wrong as it would require another a to be pronounced properly I can see how it could possibly be the correct spelling.

You missunderstood my point about the Brotherhood. I know they are located through the trapdoor but whenever you ask anyone directly about them they all have a responce that is most likely meant to be said only by the owner of the house (guy saying they are all crazy).

Also, yes the spelling, grammar, and punctuation does have problems. If it was only an every now and then thing I wouldn't even bring it up but it is actually fairly often you run into them. Not insulting anyone at all with this just saying it is something that could be fixed. Heck you even ASKED for people to tell you if there are problems with it and now you are getting extremely defensive when someone tells you there are. That just doesn't make sense.

About the bugs... All ll I did was report a few little bugs you don't need to get all angry at me.

If this is how you choose to take critisism then I highly recommend you not post threads for your mods requesting feedback.


I can't believe you said that I am trolling! That is one of the lowest things I have ever seen. Someone gives you feedback on your mod and you just say they are trolls.... Man... You take feedback the wrong way. Don't request feedback anymore.

EDIT 2~~~~

Thank you Elterin!
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:38 am

Nah, I think we just didn't understand my point, it's cool to tell me there are mistakes if you tell me where because I can't fix anything if I don't know where's the mistake. So, it's not a very good feedback, nor constructive criticism, I mean... I just cannot do anything with that.

Plus you're making typos too : I don't see what onions have to do with Daedrargonians. Ok, it's a name I created, from the contraction between Daedra and Argonian. Still, I believe it's quite easy to understand and pronounce but well...

As for the brotherhood thing, I'll check out what you meant, I'm not sure. Did you had this weird reaction with the "crazy" topic, or with the "brotherhood of nightmare hunters" topic? The second one should just return "I'm not sure what Illimanani's doing down there, you'd better check by yourself.", such things.

I don't understand the bug you encountered with the animated grass. Are you sure you've enabled it, created distant lands, then disabled it? Works fine for me...

Well, no need to be upset at each other, sorry for the defensive reaction, yet it's better if you point where problems really are (and if you check a little how things are meant to be before thinking it's poorly written/done ^^).
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:44 pm

The thing is that I'm not a proof reader. I make typos and misspell words too which is why I don't proof read. All I'm saying is that perhaps choose someone who you know doesn't make spelling errors in their posts (read through their posting history) and ask them to proof read. Another reader can't hurt.

Anyways. I didn't create distant lands. :tongue: That was it.

The topic called "Brotherhood of nightmare hunters" always responds with "I'm not sure what Illimanani's doing down there, you'd better check by yourself." no matter who you ask. I believe this response is only meant for the guy who ones the house they are in. Otherwise it doesn't make sense... (to me).

It's all good. Like I said I'm still playing the game so I was just trying to give some feedback I am not doing a full blown review/bug report here.
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sunny lovett
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 6:31 am

If it doesn't make sense to other people, I'll fix that!

Don't forget to uncheck the Grass mod after creating distant lands. Also, make sure you've got a Data files\Textures\Grass folder, with Grass_atlas into it. If not, choose a texture from the grass mod files, to put into that folder!

I planned on making a further release fixing mistakes on Rahj I before releasing Rahj II. I'll try to ask someone who enjoyed the mod to do so. :D
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liz barnes
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 9:10 am

I planned on making a further release fixing mistakes on Rahj I before releasing Rahj II. I'll try to ask someone who enjoyed the mod to do so. :biggrin:

Hey man don't take it like that! I'm enjoying this mod a lot so far! You make it sound like I'm not. :(
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:23 am

No no, it's all ok don't worry. :) I just mean, someone who will want to proofread, as like you said, you won't. And it's ok, sir!
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:00 pm

kk :)

Sorry for the..... fude? Lol!
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:53 am

Let's forget it! I just believe we've both been a bit stupid. :D Now it's over!
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 3:39 am

I think you both gained 1 skill point in speechcraft from turning that conversation around :)
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The Time Car
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:42 pm

Haha yeah... But let's forget it, that wasn't very nice.

Rahj I features a new, better-looking animated grass mod on its PES page. See a screenshot : http://pnmedia.gamespy.com/planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/fms/images/mods/9409/1325986998_fullres.jpg

Downloads are here (for the reminder) : http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=9409

Rahj I should see a 2.52 version with a dialogue overhaul before the end of the week. Thanks a lot to bhl from gamesas forums!

Thanks for interest. :smile:
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josh evans
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:41 pm

I downloaded that SmartMerger, but I'm not sure how it moves landmasses, as it's not an obvious functionality in its menu (whereas the merging ability is clear). Also, I'm not sure if I really want to do that and resmooth water borders, plus go in a wide test again to check if any of the teleporting scripts hasn't been damaged in the process... :/

Sorry if this is a big late. I occasionally look for 'SmartMerger' in the fourms and like this one get an unexpected hit.

Moving land masses is rather simple, use --move_land flag. It uses the previous query format, so you can select as many lands as you want. The last part is comma separated to specify how much you want to move them. See http://rtcvb32.001webs.com/SmartMergerDocs/25/move_land.htm. Last parameter is x,y,z,x,y. Think of it as CellX, CellY, GU Z, GU X, GU Y (GU being game unit). But if your just moving cells than only the first x,y are needed.

./SmartMerger.exe Morrowind.esm --reference --move_land "Caldera;0,0,+3000" raised_caldera.esp

Internally how it works, is it marks lands as 'moved' and updates it's cells. On a second pass it updates all items in those cells, and any teleport references that refer to those cells. Scripts though, would have to be updated to the new locations, or if they don't change, you may need to recompile them. Later I may include a compiler/decompiler for the scripting, but not right now.

If you have further questions, you can post the comment in my http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1146795-smartmerger-2/ thread, or PM me.
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