Race: Khajiit
Age: Young advlt
Birthsign: The Thief
Class: Burglar-for-Hire
General Appearance: This Khajiit stands perhaps an inch or two shorter than a common Suthay-raht. His shoulders are not the broadest, yet they are not the smallest. His chest is not the widest, yet it isn't the narrowest. By all means, his build is once more, average. Though, perhaps this is where such modest tidings end. His eyes are silver and his fur is white with a few modest black markings upon his face, back, and tail. His face is blessed with no scars, the true fortune of the fleet-footed. Unlike other Khajiiti, he will not be found with facial hair or a mane. Complexity is far too complex when simplicity is beauty.
Apparel: Generally, this Khajiit will wear leather armor of sorts. When not on business, the casual wear is formal wear. Wearing formal clothing, being a party-goer at heart.
Weapons: An enchanted bow named Abhorrent Judgement and two daggers. One is Cold Heart and the other is Burning Ego.
Bio: This Khajiit is racist. Towards the Elves and Argonians, this Khajiit will almost always be biased. The dislike towards Elves was born through some unresolved tensions in southern Cyrodiil. A wealthy and arrogant Altmer, a job gone wrong, and some unhealthy connections with the Thalmor has lead to a particular distrust for the High Elves. The Bosmer and Dunmer's dislike was embedded due to a particularly racist father, who also had a racist father, who had a racist father as well, and so on and so on. Somewhere along the line, J'rahzir's ancestry fought against the Bosmer and elsewhere, some of his ancestry were enslaved by the Dunmer (whom later escaped), of course. Racism towards the Orcs... well, thats just fear. J'rahzir is fueled by two things. Arrogance and coin. A quick Septim is well-earned in the eyes of J'rahzir. A quick Septim may quickly lead to moon sugar, skooma, concubines, alcohol, and perhaps anything else J'rahzir may find appealing within the moment. J'rahzir's title, despite his arrogance, is meerly to attract potential customers within the right circles. By no means is he professional in the eyes of fellow Khajiit. He is cunning, but clumsy. When actions fail, words will succeed, being quite capable of talking himself out of trouble.
((So, this is the first time I will EVER RP on a forum. Been patrolling the OOC topics and posting ICly, but I have been meaning to set up a post here, just to begin. I swear, I will post a picture soon. I am moving to Texas tomorrow, so time is limited. Hence why this is short and choppy. However, input would be most appreciated, even if the poster doesn't RP themselves.))