I hope after a while that a wall of bodies forms outside my fort.
Even more evil: with cannibalism in game, the raiders are good as food supplies...
no farming needed
I hope it goes in a parabolic arc. At first, when your settlement is just coming into being, few if any Raiders take notice. But then, as it grows larger, it becomes a prime target, and so it starts to see attacks more frequently. However, after a certain point when it is very well established and it has very solid defenses, the raids start tapering off again, as only the most well equipped Raiders would see attacking it as anything more than a suicide mission.
I'm not sure how I want that to work. I don't really want to be miles and miles away from my compound and then get an alert that it's being attacked and then have to go defend it.. At the same time I don't want a skyrim system that spawns in enemies just when you' are in the area.... because spawns are usually timed so if you don't head back to your settlement that often that means that every single time you go home it'll be attacked. Which would be incredibly annoying. I'm assuming dead bodies will de-spawn once you leave the area or enter other loading zones. I definitely wouldn't want to have to dispose of the bodies in some giant pit that slowly filled up over time.
Not convinced that you would get an alert if your settlement is attacked - you don't have a cellphone (!)
You may find that you have less settlers when you get back, if your defences are poor.
You may find your settlement occupied by raiders...
Ah yes, 'plot communication' I had forgotten about that
We already have a radio receiver built into the pipboy and transmitters can't be that hard to come by as there are a few stations already broadcasting across CW and NV on opposite coasts, a warning from the settlement is easily conceivable but I'd think you'd need to be tuned to the right frequency to hear it and wouldn't be able to respond unless the pipboy has a transmitter built in?
That's the part I am hoping for, it would feel kinda silly otherwise. Also, I wonder if the established settlements in game will also get attacked by raiders or if only your settlements will.
From what's been said: When you start to build a larger, more fortified settlement... factions will start taking an interest in you. Raiders on the other hand will most likely attack you once you've got a base larger than a single room house.
With trip mines and turrets it is conceivable that you would receive some type of distress signal on your Pipboy when your settlement is under attack. The signal could be sent automatically when when either a trip mine or turret activates. You might also get a radio signal if you have settlers in your settlement. As I plan to make at least one settlement that is just my place to chill with no settlers but plenty of defensive installations, I am hoping for a signal if it gets attacked. I think however that it will be like Skyrim and raiders will only attack when you come back.
It would be really cool if the raiders could takeover your settlement and inhabit it, possibly using your own defenses against you
If that were the case, you should make your settlement secure... but also have a flaw that you can exploit..... Make it easier to reclaim if raiders did in fact take over.
hmm, true, like a hidden exterior terminal that gasses everyone inside
But they could have your citizens and merchants hostage...
Depending on the location, since they've stated there are multiple locations to build, build yourself a sniper tower..... Sneak into your town, take out the raider positioned there, survey the rest of the settlement... kill all raiders with your silenced sniper rifle. Retake the town.
Anyone else think go full on New Vegas legion? Defeated raiders used as slaves, or crucified. Now that my friends is an evil option! But here is the thing that I everyone is assuming. That your town *wins* that fight.
What if you lose? Raiders take over your settlement. Your townsmen either dead, locked up*, or sold**. Your previous defenses turned against you in your attempt to retake the village.
*Think of locked up as them just herding your townsmen into one of your buildings and placing them under guard. They bandits could just be thinking about what to do with your villagers
**Think of sold, as a modified version of the skyrim kidnapped quest. Your townsmen moved to a random location and guarded by bandits.
My speculation is that they will never attack so long as you are not in the active cell of the settlement.
I foresee Raiders attacking and if not held back...they will...well, either kill you, and maybe a few people who live there, destroy some defenses and properties, and make off with some resources.
Much cleaner than the gas idea, also a lot safer... things would get ugly fast if raiders could hack terminals...
If they don't inhabit the settlements, it would be a cool mod. In addition to the raiders, there could be sneaky invaders that try to infiltrate disguised as merchants to disable defenses, steal, or takeover the settlement. But yeah, I'm guessing Bethesda would not want to frustrate people with overly aggressive and intrusive hostiles.