I had a thread in the old Fallout 4 board but now that the mod board is here I'm starting a new thread.
Recent Published Pics:
I actually have made some changes to the texture significantly since these photos. I'll post them later tonight along with the high poly meshes for some new parts I've been tinkering with like a new grip and stock. The gun is mostly painted in an olive drab green with the same paint damage that rusty metal shows through.
Now that the game is out and I've had time to play with the in game gauss rifle I've come to a few decisions as far as function of the weapon goes. I appreciate any feedback as well!
Two primary types with regular and improved varieties - charged shot (default gauss) and full auto. The full auto behaves more like a minigun as it still needs to be "charged" for a half a second or so and then you can unleash magnetic powered death! The main issue I seem to be running into is ammo. Obviously the charged variety should use 2mm EC to keep it simple. However most people have been clamoring for an MG42-like fire rate for the full auto. And who am I to disagree? However we come to the problem of the actual ammo. 2mm is EXPENSIVE and rare. Do I make 2mm more widely available or do I create a whole new variety of 2mm just for full auto purposes much like the minigun's 5mm ammo?
Short Boosted Capacitor
Long Boosted Capacitor
Sniper Boosted Capacitor
Standard Quick-Eject
Banana Mag (pictured in the images)
Banana Mag Quick Eject
Drum Quick Eject
Standard (re-doing this to be more like a butt-plate)
Recoil Compensating
Muzzles: (they will not be comically large like the vanilla ones)
Trumpet Break
Glow Sights
etc... I'll be using mostly vanilla assets for the special optics at least for now.
I'm also entertaining the idea of different paintjobs but honestly I'll need to look at the actual GECK before I decide if that's even possible without some weird workaround like I did with the ACR.
Suggestions or comments? Leave them here!