Rampant cheating on PC

Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:31 pm

More and more I've noticed rampant cheating on the pc. From Aim bots, to people with lvl 39 guns at lvl 1 to stealth visor hacks . Really? is it so hard to fix or notice? Look at the leader boards for crying out loud, the 1st 32 top players with xp are cheats, time played 2 minutes yet they have 3 trillion xp no time used on armor stealth and power, or my favorite a lvl 2 with negative 3 billion armor negative 1 billion power and negative 4 billion stealth. the 1st legitimate player is the 33rd on the list. It is just nuts. The aim botting is gettign bad aswell, watching people spin like tops on kill cam getting headshots on everyone within visual range..
Before you flame me I know the diffrence from lag and outright exploits. I'm not talking lag etc I'm talking obvious exploits.
If any of you reading this have encounterd an obvious exploit please post it, Crytek won't fix it if we remain silent.

I just want the game to be fair, maybe after they fix the bugs and exploits we can talk abotu balance liek full auto on the scar with no kickback without aim enhance.:)
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:41 am

I can't believe there's no form of anticheat, is there?
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:24 pm

Havn't seen any, and I jsut ran into another. I wont name the culprit since that is against forum rules but i ran into a perma cloak, everyone what really ticked about it.
The guy could shoot hit m60 full auto with a perma cloak and at max energy, in fact unless you caught him in cloak or transition his armor mode would never drop...was..disconserting at best.. Really took away from the game.
With cheats like this so common place it WILL kill the multiplayer and that means no long term profits for crytek. This will hurt cryteks bottom line if they don't fix it, quickly. I also like the game so I would like these cheats to be dealt with.
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:00 am

lvl1's with lvl 39 guns *could* be just grabbing a weapon on the ground.
no lvl up in armor/stealth/power means the dude been lvling up in unranked since right now you can't lvl up nano modules but your character lvl still can.
Although I can agree that there are some cheats that are kicking off regardless. I saw from killcam multiple times and finishing game kill cam that some dude was permanently cloacked while firing from a SCAR. So yeah, there's some cheating/exploiting around. Didn't met much of them yet. I hope it doesn't increase anytime soon either.
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:27 am

i also mentioned people shooting in cloak... i thought this was one of the three abilities you can choose. but i guess its a hack? These people really should be banned... i crytek again fails to strike hard against cheaters then this game will soon die the same death wars did.

Crytek need to bring patches fast... once a month is not enough if cheaters are terrorizing the game. people will not stick in the game long if crytek doesn't support the fair players
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:04 pm

I think the MP is already dead - I haven't managed to get a game since release and if it is as you say already rife with cheats I'm not sure I'll even bother.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:49 pm

It's not just the PC, the xbox version has been hacked to hell too.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:44 pm

We’ve been working hard to resolve as many of the post-launch issues as possible including some improvements to our game security. These updates will be made available via automatic-download later this week.
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:02 pm

I hope the changes make a difference and are substantial, I give this game about a week, maybe two before everyone gives up and goes somewhere else. Right now the situation is pretty bad ~ 1 in 5 games has a player using some kind of cheat. I hope some Crytek people are out there playing this game so they can see what the problems are.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:06 pm

Crytek needs to start filing some lawsuits.
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Kim Kay
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:34 pm

I've been holding off on the MP till I get my darn LE and all the other issues are patched, but seeing all these topics and videos on people already hacking the **** out of it is just sad. Can't there be a single damn MP experience without them pathetic brain-farts?
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:04 pm

In ragerd to the vll 1 pickign a lvl 39 guns, we had the highest lvl at the time was 19, me every one else was 15 or lower.

And I ran into a bunch for of the infinnte cloak and infite energy with power armor cheats, really ruining the game. The aim bot cheats don't seem as bad as teh cloak and armor cheats where you can't kill them......

Played 12 diff servers, each time one or mroe major cloak or armor cheats. Havn't run into any lvl 1 with 39 weapon cheats though.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:35 pm

Thanks cry tom, good to know you guys are atleast aware and trying to do soemthing.

As for the guy waiting for his LE, be aware there are a couple bugs with it, When you unlock decoy camera you wont get the unlocks that go with it till you unlock it with a diff weapon..might b patched eventually.

LE also has a couple of glitchs with dog tags but that doesn't affect gameplay.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:07 am

We’ve been working hard to resolve as many of the post-launch issues as possible including some improvements to our game security. These updates will be made available via automatic-download later this week.

By hoping you are following this post out of the many, what is your stance for being able to disable/modify the value of a couple graphic settings? In multi I cannot get rid of the motion blur as it is a huge handicap for my rig and color blind issues: any color that does not have enough contrast = I do not see them = when looking around swiftly the motion blur blends too many elements together. Combine it with a loss in frames per second and you get screwed so often by people cloacked in front despite possible elements that should make him more visible (stronger light sources etc)
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stevie critchley
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:37 pm

I can get rid of motion blur in single player with graphic config tweaks, so sorry to hear you have problems with multiplayer. People like you who are color blind deserve a fix for the game.
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Chloe :)
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:05 am

Yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous...
You can't join a single game without it being ruined by hackers.
I'll refuse to play another game of multiplayer until it's been patched.
It's sad to see a fun game go to **** so quickly over a bunch of nerds who waste their time hacking.
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:29 pm

Alright, "great". New cheat seen: auto aim (like magical 180 degree turn in a split sec and shoot someone from pretty far away and cloacked) with one-shot-kill enabled. Some douche been nobraining around doing this on a IA game with a Feline with rapid fire module. Pretty funny to see everybody die on the map from the same guy really far away from him. Then not so funny anymore and you leave. -_- And I really mean one-shot-kill as in you die off the first bullet full health + armor mode, headshot or not. I'll never understand why people enjoy griefing in this manner.
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:27 am

We’ve been working hard to resolve as many of the post-launch issues as possible including some improvements to our game security. These updates will be made available via automatic-download later this week.

yeah yeah u've been saying that everywhere on every problem ppl post on this forum - do you even know IF there is something going on in crytek?

no cheat protection - just like in demo,
disconnects from servers - just like in demo,
hacks - just like in demo,
server freezing - just like in demo,
stat reseting - just like in demo,
dog tags, attachments, unlocks **** up - just like in demo,

lots of talking that all this **** will be fixed - just as usual - nothing done.

You really spit on us, honest ppl that pay for games.
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John N
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:00 pm

We’ve been working hard to resolve as many of the post-launch issues as possible including some improvements to our game security. These updates will be made available via automatic-download later this week.

With respect, you cannot improve that which does not exist.

PS. Dont forget to make sure you fix the auto-updater, as well, because apparantly that doesnt work. :p
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:45 pm

Left the game for a while due to so many cheaters, came back today... besides losing level 3 retriever and air stomp and resetting to level 1..joy.. ; I have a seperate post about that.

I also ran into a bunch of new cheats. Like a flying hack alowing peopel to fly through the air indefinately.. The unlimiited ammo hack..used with the grenade launcher.. or the mike.... The 1000% projectile speed hack..combined with the ammo hack we had soemoen using jaws like a light pen........ Another turned there guass rifle into a smg for rate of fire...just disgusting..

Checked a few sites they advertise all sorts of hacks now, like wall hacking, which i've seen today aswell.

Hate to say it, but a good game is down the toilet, to many bugs and too many cheaters, I'm done and have already dissuedaded all my freinds and there freinds from buying this game. only about 100 copies or so, just svcks when cheaters ruin a game. Dev's you really neeed to take cheating mroe seriously.. and EA this goes for you.. I hope TOr doesn't end up like this.

Pardon my typos I'm tierd and my hands hurt. Laters all.
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