what a bunch of a-holes lol
what a bunch of a-holes lol
Wear power armour, it's like kicking puppies, just watch out for the Nuka grenades
yeah those nuka grenades wow!
i didnt see them at first, id fast traveled to that crashed plane near ten pines bluff, i always like to check it out as theres generally something interesting goin on, i spwaned right in front of 3 gunners in which i took out and as i was just about to move forward boom! huge explosion and gunners bodies are flung way up in air and over me. i didnt know what the hell it was i thought maybe id set one of the engines off or something? (like with vehicles exploding) then next minute there was this freaky green [censored] covering my screen i couldnt even see what i was shooting at and ended battle with 5 of them dead and me on 9/10 radiation bar. id just used my sanctuary doc to fix me up too damn it.
found a nuka grenade in one of their inventories and realised it was that lol
i hate their guns. that kickback is annoying to deal with.
Ran into a pair while heading to the sound of gunfire north of the Glowing Sea. A pair of Atoms fighting off some gunners. Watched the light show and then snuck in and sniped both wounded Atoms before looting the lot of them. Gamma effect at night was weird looking, especially from a distance.
I stumbled across some last night near Croup Manor, they kicked my ass! Safe to say I'll be heading back with Power Armor pretty soon.