If I Ran The Imperial Legion...

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:53 am

...things'd be different, I can tell you! Behold, my proposed charter...

It has come to my attention that this organisation is in sore need of a shake-up. times have changed, and we as a fighting force need to move with them. In anticipation of this, I have drawn up new guidelines for Legionnaires; failure to adhere to these Guidelines will result in severe penalties, culminating in expulsion from the Legion, a prison sentence or - in extreme cases - transfer to a World of Warcraft server.

1 - Any Legionnaire found repeatedly shouting "Keep MOOO-ving!" at Player Characters will be made to 'drop and give me twenty.' Persistent offenders will be made to remove all items of uniform and work an entire shift in nothing but their underpants.
2 - Whilst all Legionnaires can be justly proud of their uniform and all it represents, we must accept that times - and indeed fashions - move on. Player characters may have armor of their own that, while not Imperial Issue, offers them superior protection. We must therefore allow them to express their individuality in this manner without judging them or making them feel excluded in any way; cuirass envy is simply just so last year and, as a Legion, we really need to get over ourselves.
3 - Whilst on the subject of uniforms: we need to get some larger sizes for our Orc legionnaires. Seriously. They look ridiculous.
4 - It seems the Legion has a policy of throwing Player Characters straight into jail, without a trial or even so much as a legal representative to speak for them, for crimes ranging from trivial theft to mass murder... unless said Player Character can bung them a hefty sum of cash. I am somewhat concerned as to the message this sends out to the general public regarding law and order. I would hate to promote the idea that the rich can enjoy a life of mindless crime, while the poor are simply left to languish in jail. The Imperial Legion supports Equal Opportunities, after all. We must look into this further with a view to revising our current attitudes to crime and bribery punishment.
5 - STOP SENDING ALL POTENTIAL NEW RECRUITS TO GNISIS! Come on guys, they're the smallest place out of all of our sites - share the load, won't you? The paperwork is a complete 'mare and they've got enough to worry about already without a ton of badly-written application forms to wade through as well. (Plus the fact that... well, Gnisis is a bit of a dump, when all said and done, isn't it? First impressions and all that...)

Well, that's my manifesto... is anyone with me? Or is there another Morrowind Faction that you'd like to shake up and 'do your way?'
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