Now try beating a Pokemon game with only Hoppip. It is completely possible to do.
I love ranch dressing. I only buy the Kraft kind. It's awesome in wraps.
I only add salad to my ranch to give it a crunch.
Yeah, blue cheese.
But I can rock some Hidden Valley Ranch dip too.
I have had some friends that would SMOTHER their pizza in ranch. [censored] that. I like cool ranch doritos, and ranch dip, but not the dressing.
A dressing that you eat with fish and chips.
For that, I like the English way - malt vinegar.
Ranch and Fried Chicken.......... Dat is da [censored] right there, son.
I use ranch powder for my popcorn. It is simply the best.
Heh - 'm guessing this spawned from the hot sauce thread?
I do love Ranch, but it's been a while since I've had it, as I'm currently on a diet to lose a few. So low calorie hot sauce is the way to go for me.
My dad and I live on Ranch dressing specially the Great Value Buttermilk Ranch Dressing, our fridge always has a bottle of it in it, I haven't used Hidden Valley or any other brand of Ranch dressing since.
Awe man----that sounds so good...and there an't a decent Long John Silvers near me . I've had this craving for Fish, Shrimp, Fries (aka in England as chips) keatup and malt vineger. Sadly LJS has gone down the crapper and I've have yet found a real decent one today. I do so miss the smell of the seafood cooking, the hush puppies, the cutlesses on the door for door handles----I think I'm going to cry
Eh. It isn't that bad compared to the cup variety of ramen. 1000 mg of sodium in one cup. The shrimp flavor may be delicious, but those tiny shrimp are filled to the brim with sodium. So is everything else. I'm having problems with being swollen a lot and have been for quite a while, so I'm trying to avoid foods high in sodium. Dressing isn't really that bad unless you drench your food in it.
I like me some Long John Silvers, but haven't eaten there in awhile. Last time I got the chance, I didn't want to have greasy food, so I went to a 50's style burger place instead. Sadly, no one on rollarskates. I do like Long John Silve's decorations, though. Red Robin is probably the restaurant I like the most when it comes to design. They got a design that is fairly pleasing, TVs, show cartoons, and have awesome burgers. Cartoons + awesome burgers = Best thing ever. I prefer Subway in most cases, though.
The chicken sub with ranch and cheese dipped in south western chipotle sauce is awesome. I gag on vegetables easy, so I avoid those. Everywhere. I'd rather not lose my lunch while eating lunch. Only way I can eat vegetables is if they are made in juice form, made in chip form, made in snack fry form, and really anything but the real thing.
It's somewhere where you have cows or something...
I equate Ranch to Mayo. It's gross.
Hot sauce on the other hand, I smother everything with hot sauce.