blows them out of the water, but unfortunately they've retreated pretty much to the Los Angeles area. Used to be up here as well and their fish is sublime. blows them out of the water, but unfortunately they've retreated pretty much to the Los Angeles area. Used to be up here as well and their fish is sublime.
I like Ranch on my soft tacos. Everyone can tell I love ranch because all the good white stuff is all over my mouth and my hands. It's an essential for soft tacos, but that's my preference.
Lol, that sounds as wrong as you meant it to sound.
Ranch from a bottle is awful. Ranch you make, good stuff.
I'm really not a fan of ranch, I prefer Bleu Cheese, Oil and Balsamic, and Oil and Red Wine.
Just looked it up and seems some ranch dressing and dip does have mayonnaise in it. Not all, though. There's even recipes for ranch dressing without mayonnaise.
i like buttermilk ranch, restaurant grade, i like to completely cover the surface with pepper then mix up the pepper into the ranch and dip my fries or my chiken tenders in it.
Mayo on burgers?
This sums up how I feel about mayo on burgers:
I put miracle whip on burgers when they are homemade. I despise ketchup.
I'm not a big fan of ketchup but the only other condiment that I like on burgers is barbecue fact when I make homemade burgers I season the meat with spices and barbecue sauce then mix it all in
Wow, seriously? I guess the writers of that movie have never been to a Burger King, or a Checkers/Rally's, or a Wendy's, or anywhere else that isn't McDonalds.
One more thought about mayo.... I can be turned off by it too. Ever seen Julia Child's mayonnaise cake?
Manynnaise Cake...!? Dear gawd that sounds nasty . Yeah I'm not a huge mayonnaise fan I prefer Mustard or Ketchup. I never did like Wendy's burgers or service, one time I ordered a burger with no mayonnaise---guess what I got. From that day on I do not eat anywhere that says there burgers have mayo on it this includes Red Robin, cause I know if I ordered a burger without mayonnaise on it I'm going to get a burger with mayo on it...and that pisses me off
Hey man don't knock the mayo cakes! I bet you money you wouldn't even taste the mayo if I gave you a slice.(It's supposed to be a replacement for egg, isn't it)?
I don't like the smell or taste of Mayonnaise it makes me sick to my stomach (literally).
This thread has made me interested in ranch. Perhaps I'll buy some ingredients and make my own someday.
Go to Wal-Mart and try some of their Great Value Buttermilk'll never eat another Ranch brand dressing ever again.
We don't have WalMart in Norway. I haven't stumbled upon ranch dressing in any of our stores either. I like making my own stuff, though, and I've found a recipe that looks pretty yummi.
What----no Wal-Marts {Has Heart Attack}!!! My dad who works at Wal-Mart would love it there---he gets sick of that place lol .
Don't be confused with cake made from mayo. Julia Child made a cake SMOTHERED in mayo like the icing.
I've been to those places and tell them to hold the mayo like he does in the movie
Mayo cake sounds like the grossest cake ever which carrot cake currently holds for my mouth
The only thing I use mayo for is when making canned tuna fish and even then it's a small amount. I used to like it on turkey sandwiches but now I prefer barbecue sauce or other condiments instead
As for ranch, I'm partial to peppercorn ranch but not fond of normal ranch