If the only reason they changed it was to prevent a player reloading to try again, then they ought to remove all the combat.... Whenever I fail at combat, I reload... I must be exploiting the game, right?
Combat isn't a dice roll. That's why reloading again and again to get a favorable dice roll seems cheap to me, but hey, play the game how you want.
I reload as much as the next guy, but at times i feel like I'm cheapening my experience. Repeating every dialogue and battle until you have the perfect outcome. Ever wonder what the game would be like if you couldn't spam save anytime you wanted? A hell of alot more challenging probably.
I just like to see save systems that make don't make spamming reload such a viable option and making failure have consequences.
And yes there are alternatives to check points and save spamming. How bout you only get to save in certain places, like an owned/rented bed. Or have a limited number of times you can save, like typewriter ribbons from the early resident evils. Or you can only save once every 24 hours.
IMO, having less chances to save and reload really increases the feel of the game being a RPG. Not only do you get the feeling of permanent choices, but you get more of feeling of accomplishment when you feel you've made a SERIES of choices that made your character come out on top.