Dragons are almost always a 100% win. And to give these creatures a somewhat realistic role
Erm, then what is a realistic role? Just sayin'
in the elder scrolls universe is great! I really like the idea of randomly encountering a dragon while traveling through the snowy landscapes of skyrim. Add that to the overall difficulty of defeating one and you got some exciting travels ahead. Being vigilant...looking up in the sky once a while and preparing for the worst should a dragon swoop down upon you.
Damn, I'm going to need to task out an air guard!
This is wonderfull. But I think it might also present some problems.
These random dragon encounters are much appreciated but many including me. But imagine yourself clearing out a dungeon, killing everyone and looting everything to the bare bone. Satisfied with you're winnings you set off to the nearest village or city to sell you're well earned goods. The dungeon and it's inhabitants did take a toll on you're health bar so site seeing is not really an option. Health potions are almost used up and you're blade is rusty and needs repairs. As you almost make it to the nearest village you suddenly hear a menacing RAWR. And as you look up a dragon will land and attack you without mercy.
Then you die. And you will have to start from you're last save.
C'est la guerre :shrug: Should have run and resuppliedduring the cave encounter?
As great as dragons are I think they should not be over-encountered.
Agreed, five would have been enough :shrug:
In situations were you really need to get somewhere, or carry valuable loot or killed this extremely powerfull enemy, A dragon can really f*** up you're mood.
Eh, so could any enemy if you're not prepared for it.
Enbarking on a quest to escort someone back to a certain place and to find yourself fighting a dragon along the way can become quite a nuisance in my opinion.
Erm, that'd be realistic, right?
Dragons should only be encounterd when you are not escorting a person of great significance to a quest and only when you are wandering the wilderness alone or with you're companion.
Hmm so war and wilderness should be convenient?

Why only in the wilds? Why not in a city? Why not take more time to plan for the encounter? Why not have help in defeating the dragon? Why not as an ambush in a cave? Why not have it as part of a story line where your companion gets torched?
I hear your concern about too many encounters making life too dificult, and agree to an extent. But, it sounds like you're not using your brain enough, or willing to adapt playstyle to what the game or circumstances.:shrug: