like i'm cool with there being random generic NPCs who only have one-liners and don't serve any purpose except to make things feel livelier. i'd rather have less characters with more conversational depth than more characters with less conversational depth. i never talked to anybody but publicans, shopkeepers and quest targets in Oblivion, and i'm cool with everybody else just being an atmospheric puppet now.
but if you're gonna do this, please, please please please do one of two things:
1) implement a random name generator so each random NPC, even if you can't actually TALK TO THEM, has a unique name and isn't just HAAFINGAR TOWNSPERSON.
2) just don't show the name at all anywhere. don't show it on mouseover, don't show it when you're looting their corpse, just don't show it. nobody needs to see it.
let's debating.