Random Ocurrances

Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:17 am

Should there be random occurances in the next game? I think there should be many, many more than in Fallout or Oblivion. They wouldn't even really have to be like finding one of 200 or so random occurances like in fallout 3. If there were random occurances based off of your luck it would be awesome.

For example:

Bad Luck Occurances
Luck=20, You may get stuck and killed by lightning during a storm every once in a while (1/1000 chance)
Luck=1, You get struck by lightning quite often when you go outside, whether or not there is a storm, though it does not kill you and you recieve a resistance to lightning upon getting struck twice.
Luck=100 You get struck by lightning only if you are trying to supercharge something.
Good Luck Occurances
Luck= 20 , you find a fully decked out soldier on the side of the road, dead (1/100 chance)
Luck= 1, You find three fully decked out barbarians thirsty for you blood, standing on the side of the road (1/100)
Luck=100, A mage from a faraway place teleports near you and gives you a letter to anyone who can help before he dies, triggering a quest. The quest ends in you getting the best weapon in the game.
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Noraima Vega
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