M'aiq thought this would be fun to do...
- M'aiq goes to the Cloud District every other week.
- Balgruuf the Greater
- Cuddle with Hermaeus Mora
- M'aiq prefers milk. Kitties like milk.. And skooma.
- Delphine & Esbern
M'aiq thought this would be fun to do...
Unless I'm actually doing the main quest - which usually doesn't happen - I hardly ever go to the Cloud District.
As for Skyrim's leaders... they are all milk-drinkers.
I'd cuddle with Herma-mora... mmm... those tentacles.
Milk. Milk is good. Milk for everyone!
Oh, and I'd stick with Neloth in a zombie apocalypse.
1. Very Rarely.
2. Ulfric.
3. Hermae Mora.
4. Mead.
5. Lydia and Jordis, because the Apocolypse will end and repopulation will begin
The zombie one was hard, but I'd go with Frea and Serana, because Serana can reanimate the zombies to fight on our side.
1. Yes, yes I do.
2. Balgruuf the Greater because.
3. Marry the Riverwood chicken.
4. Milk because cheese is made from milk. Milk ftw.
5. Neloth and Talvas, because Neloth.
edit: Really, Ralof and Hadvar would have been my choice for no. 5. Yep.
1. Sometimes
2. Elisif. One of my favourite characters. I think "and that is all I will say, for it grieves me to speak of it", is the best acted line in skyrim.
3. Date with nazeem, I don't get the hate. He's a classy guy who has friends in high places, I'd love to get a piece of that action.
4. Ale, all day.
6. Alone.
edit: nvm
Okay, since I already accidentaly posted...
1. Very rarely.
2. What is this even? Idgrod Ravencrone.
3. Marry the chicken.
4. Milk is healthy and tasty.
5. Frea and Serana. I considered Neloth, but he can be kinda annoying and if the world is ending, I'd rather go on an adventure die a horrible death in a nicer company.
1. Quite often
2. Balgruuf
3. Cuddle with ol Herma how is that even a question?
4. Milk
5. Gelebor he seems like he'd be rather good at slaying undead. The hordes of betrayed would also be a nice shield to stand behind well they're busy fighting the zombies.