Hi all,
I have a problem with annoying random freezes (about every 15-20 minutes, but purely random not regular) that last about 10 seconds, followed by a weird issue: the image starts to flicker, alternating with a piece of texture (really, the image of an object/face "flattened out" like in a texture image file). Sometimes it's just solid texture image (not flickering), sometimes text corrupts, sometimes only colours corrupt. I have to blindly save, close the game and reopen; just going back to the main menu or loading a game doesn't work (corruption remains).
I have an underpowerd PC, but it meets the Minimum System Requirements (Windows XP, 2GB of RAM, GeForce gt220 1GB, 2.80 GHz Dual Core). The game is fine with medium quality settings and no Antialiasing, and runs quite smoothly (i didn't expect much), the only problem is this random freeze.
I tried tuning some settings in *.ini's, but although the game respond in the expected way to these tweakings, the frequency of crashes remains constant. The same happens when lowering Quality Settings to the minimum or raising them to the maximum. The freezes occurs in every kind of situations: open world, interiors, while viewing the map or talking to someone, and they don't seems to be "caused" by something. The Papyrus log shows nothing interesting (it's not a script problem). I don't have any mod beside Official Updates, Unofficial Patches and the DLCs (but enabling or disabling them doesn't make any difference).
I tested every piece of hardware (RAM with memtest86, gpu RAM with some tools) and stressed CPU and GPU with some stress test like FurMark. Everything is fine, and my gpu never exceed 80°C nor fills up its RAM completely during the game (logged with GPU-Z).
I have other 3D games, that run just fine. I am frustrated by the lack of debugging tools or similia. Someone else is having (or have had) this issue?
I have images of the issue, but the forum doesn't let me post links
Any help is appreciated