Random Weapon Stats?

Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:30 am

So I thought Borderlands had a great (If flawed) weapon generator and I thought a similar system could be implemented in Skyrim.

For those of you who aren't familiar with it, here's a beginners guide: http://gbxforums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=110429

I know that there's already a kind of system in the ES games that sometimes gives you an enchanted weapon, but I think that could also extend to other aspects too, like how much damage said weapon does and how much it could be worth. I think it would be pretty awesome to take down a bandit and find an enchanted silver dagger on him that does more damage then whatever giant sword you just used to slice him in half and is worth more too. maybe it could even extend to the look of said weapon, though that might be kind of hard.

Anybody on board with this idea? Or do you think the old system is fine as it is?
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:50 am

In my oppinion random weapon statistics and random loot generators is a thing of the past. It's lazy game design and it belongs in flash games.

Stuff like "of the Bear" and prefixes like "Destructive", "Deadly" and so on is really cheesy and cheap to me.

I'd much rather have unique and rare weapons with big differences in statistics, looks and background. As opposed to a bunch of frequently occuring randomized drops with barely any difference in looks or statistics.

Those are boring, clutter the inventory, wastes processing power and gives you a really poor sense of progression.
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:58 am

Customizing weapons for certain play styles would be better... all they had was enchant they needed more.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:35 pm

anyone played baldurs gate dark alliance? weapons/armor were shoddy, rusty, great, flawless etc in that game and it was nice imo. but i agree with a62172 about the "of the bear" sort of names etc. But similar weapons of different quality or condition sounds good to me. probably too late for them to do it if they havent already though
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:57 pm

anyone played baldurs gate dark alliance? weapons/armor were shoddy, rusty, great, flawless etc in that game and it was nice imo. but i agree with a62172 about the "of the bear" sort of names etc. But similar weapons of different quality or condition sounds good to me. probably too late for them to do it if they havent already though

Weapon condition already deals with the durability stat of weapons though.
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:05 pm

So... OP wants a return to Oblivion's scaled loot in other words?


(If this isn't what you mean I apologise.)
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:55 am

This will not be hack&slay or gauntlet game. Nope, this does not belong in a main TES title. Heck, the one time Beth tried randomising stuff turned out bad enough...
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:07 pm

It's not what I mean.

Borderlands system was kind of scaled so you couldn't get a gun that did 700 damage at level 2, but if you were lucky you could still get a pretty kick-ass weapon.

Not saying it has to be scaled at all though.
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:59 am

Morrowind used levelled loot lists, so the vast majority of what you found was the same generic and boring stuff as anywhere else (as was the case with OB), but there was a POSSIBILITY of finding something that was a step or two above normal. Generally, you'd almost never find "high level" items in random loot at low level, but even those items still existed in the game in a few hand-placed locations.

The levelled list system allowed for the possibility of placing lists inside other lists, so you could have an item from a higher-level list as one possibility among 8 or 10 other "normal" items for your level. The game was still levelled, but not nearly as much as OB.

Totally random I can do without.
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Len swann
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:13 pm

dude forget this idea man. A weapon should deal whte damage its worth. One iron dagger does not do more damage then another iron dagger. Random. I dont want a dagger that does more damage then a sword. Thats foolish. Daggers in real life don't do more damage then swords. Daggers are just fast. Plus what would that do to the legendary weapons? i would not want to pick up a dagger when im level 47 that is stronger then goldbrand. That'd irk me pretty bad. i want to keep things in order. dagger< shortsword < Broadsword < battle axe/mace < long sword < great hammer < War Axe < umbra lol < gold brand < dawn fang superior.... that sword is awesome.
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:05 am

Hmm, just an idea to throw out there.

Each weapon and item must be created some how, each item of armour or weapon should have a blacksmith associated with it as the smith who created it, and maybe some smiths initial or sign their work. Each smith has quality values associated with each type of material.

You'd pick up an Iron sword with the initials "McF" and it would be of better quality than one marked "Gro Shro-Back". Some of the smiths’ markings and initials are displayed across some of the doors of smiths across the land so you can visit them; some are from smithies in other lands or long since dead.

You might find an "McF" dagger which is really high quality, and then you ask people about who this "McF" is. Once you find out you can find him and commission him to make you a sword.

I don’t know if this is a good idea, but I thought it’s another way to have variety within each type of weapon and have a tangible reason for this.
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:14 pm

This will not be hack&slay or gauntlet game. Nope, this does not belong in a main TES title. Heck, the one time Beth tried randomising stuff turned out bad enough...

The Elder Scrolls isn't borderlands. Border lands is a more chaotic over the top kind of game.
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:59 am

Weapon condition already deals with the durability stat of weapons though.

yeah, but some may be well crafted and others not.
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:00 pm

dude forget this idea man. A weapon should deal whte damage its worth. One iron dagger does not do more damage then another iron dagger. Random. I dont want a dagger that does more damage then a sword. Thats foolish. Daggers in real life don't do more damage then swords. Daggers are just fast. Plus what would that do to the legendary weapons? i would not want to pick up a dagger when im level 47 that is stronger then goldbrand. That'd irk me pretty bad. i want to keep things in order. dagger< shortsword < Broadsword < battle axe/mace < long sword < great hammer < War Axe < umbra lol < gold brand < dawn fang superior.... that sword is awesome.

Is see what you're saying, bigger is better etc, etc. But that's kind of the problem for me. I'm the kind of guy who likes to use daggers and short swords and small weapons like that. And like I said, after a certain point, unless you have a legendary dagger, all those types of weapons become useless so you're kind of forced to wield a big, cumbersome claymore that you don't really want and doesn't really match your play style.

And the remedy to keep a dagger from becoming better then a legendary weapon is to really make it legendary i.e., unique. Give it a special enchantment that only that weapon has.

The main idea behind this that appeals to me is that in the game, there's always something better, whether it has better hit points or a better enchantment or accuracy (for bows/crossbows/other medieval shooty things) or whatever other kind of stats the weapons/clothes/whatever can have. That way there's no Infinity Plus One Sword that can be a game breaker.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:34 am

hmmm if they can do it like diablo1, 2

as in having already hand made unique/set/epic/relic items along side the random stuff.

I'm all for that :)

more= better
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:20 am

I'm ok with the statistics, imo. But not every weapon of the same material should look the same.

I'd like to have more skins for the same kind of weapon (etc. silver longsword).
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:17 am

I think it was done ok in Oblivion with stuff like Iron armor, steel, Dwarven, Orcish, Ebony, and Daedric Armor. They could always Hybrid Morrowinds system with Oblivions system in terms of loot as long as you don't get broken stuff at low levels.
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:44 am

i believe they should implement the ability to customize your weapons (i.e. hilts, handles, guards, scabards, blades, and any engravings on the weapons) this way you could find weapons and make them your own plus you could potentially make thousands of unique weapons but they should have layered equipment like rust iron/steel ect. then dented iron/steel ect. then flawed iron/steel and on and on then you would have hundreds of different armor and weapon types then you yourself could edit that armor to make it look like you want and even improve it thus giving the game thousands of possibilities for equipment
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jess hughes
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:59 pm

Slightly different meshes for multiples of the same weapon...but with little or no variation in statistics. Condition would not be inherent, every weapon should be Bent, Rusty, Sharpened, or Polished etc based on use.
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:43 pm

Im more for customization than random quality types applied to weapons. Seems like random quality types would make it more of a loot grind game.
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