Aye. One thing I love about Elder Scrolls and Fallout is being able to talk to my friends about stuff we have found and help each other out like "Hey, did you know there is a 100 gold in a tree stump by X place" Or "There is a really great ore deposit over by X"
So, no. I do not want this.
Ditto here. That's one of the greatest things about TES. It's possibly the only game that provides you with stories to tell, as if you actually were on an adventure. My friend's funniest story was how he did the quest for Sanguine. Or at least I think it's Sanguine, I didn't try all the Daedric quests myself. It's the one were you need to liven up a party by removing everyone's clothes with a spell
And Shivering Isles overflows with stories. I still like to tell friends about Vitharn