If I wanted to run just a straight melee char, how will that do with just being constantly kited/stunned by ranged people?
In pvp it's obviously about control. For small groups/1v1 you'll need gap closing, escapes, stuns and slows. For large group play you'll need to find or put people out of position so that the enemy ranged can't nuke you. I would say DKs are pretty solid, especially with chain pull, leap, armor buffs and reflective scales. It will be far more about positioning, line of sight and getting a few enemy players out of position. Or coordinating large melee charges with AoE abilities.
As a Psijic Order tester with quite a bit of time in PvP, I can tell you that melee is incredibly powerful. There are tons of gap closers in this game, as well as a ton of CC.
With the right build, melee can be nasty.
Basically right now ranged dominates, its just the way pvp games are either ranged has way to much CC so you can never reach them thus dominates OR they have no CC and die horrible all the time. Right now ranged people have not only a ton of great CC to keep people back but they can even go nightblade for invisibility. I hope they balance it out though or I'm suspecting that sorcs will be about the most Op thing in the entire world, they have a huge amount of CC AND magic so can spam that magic non stop. The main issue I'm noticing right now is that all the class skills which hurt the most use magic... so I run out VERY quickly as theres no good ways to get magic back as anything but a sorc