At the end of matches, if I go into view my squad, back button I think, the game freezes and when I turn it back on I get reset to level 9 every f*cking time. How is that possible when stats are saved on a server? Oh thats right. There not. There stored inside the f*cking GPD of your profile. You mind as well just extract the GPD out of your profile, make a save editor, and go hack your upgrades, since apparently only kills and XP reflect on the server. Its Crysis 2 all over again. You couldnt at least put some sort of encryption on the save? Just looking into the save itself, everything is out plain as day! the CVars are easily modifyable, even though theyre supposedly "cheat protected". Here Ill even show you how simple it is to reverse the save to make it moddable:

Now if I can do something like this, anyone can. And since its that easy, now we have people running around with inf clips never reloading and never dying. Its frustrating. I blew my last $60 on this game.
I have never ever posted a complaint about any game on the official website. EVER. But this one I couldnt help. Id love to just hear a reason why the devs just couldnt break down the engine and just build it around a more stable playing environment.