» Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:51 pm
3rd time posting this, not that I mind, people should know.
I was on a server last night, that was working, then I left and came back and I was stuck in the lobby. Several minutes later the game was going to start. This lead me to believe that in some or all games, if there's a current game in progress, you are stuck in the lobby.
This would be fine if they had any indication that "You must wait for the current game to end" but they don't.
If there's 16 people in the lobby and the game isn't starting, try waiting until the game they are in will be over. When it gets to the 5 minutes remaining mark, you'll get a countdown in the lobby.
If you are talking about servers that don't start ever, from what i've heard that's due to a setting for # of players required to start in the server being on default, and the default is set to 1, instead of 4 or 6. So it's supposed to start with 1 person, but it's unable to start with 1 person, so it never starts.