Yeah, it's pretty bad, but I can't play till I get my Battlefront PS4 on the 19th. (A Thursday)
Just to leave that here. There is a reason for them to release on Tuesday however stupid it sounds.
What is wrong with it being released on a Tuesday? Until now, I had no idea the day something released on actually mattered. I can play the game as easily on a Tuesday evening as I can on a Friday evening.
Yes, Bethesda is a business. And in fact they are the best business in the gaming industry. As far as the release, most games come out on Tuesdays.
The weekend of the 7th/8th will be a long and lonely one waiting for the 10th.
i got used to Tues release with Blizzard so i dont really think is a issue for me at least.
Majority of big games are released on Tuesday. Been that way for quite some time now. Weird reason to get upset, imo.
Yes they do, and as said in the OP if Skyrim did not release on a Friday which it very well did, then this thread would not exist. I thought that was explained fairly well in the OP, I thought anyway but its a forum what can you do.
However Skyrim did release on a Friday, so what rhyme or reason would Bethesda release Fallout 4 on a Tuesday. That is just my question, and my slight frustration I have. It would help if their were not said leaks, said hundreds of people playing the game right now, that may or may not have any business playing it in the first place, but they are.
Its not "Well most games release on a Tuesday", no that doesn't work here, it could, but it doesn't. Skyrim released on a Friday, Friday is the best time for most people with jobs or even school to play a new game on the level of Fallout 4. Tuesday your asking off work, or waiting all day Tuesday until your done with classes or work to play the game. Then you can't stay up late because you have work or school the next day.
Release the game on a Friday, fans are happy, everyone gets a good 2 day splurge of Fallout 4, reviewers still have plenty of time to do get their reviews out, the end.
Why am I complaining about it? Because someone has to.
Why release it on a Tuesday?
Skyrim released on a friday because of one thing.
Just to put that out there. Skyrim was the anomaly when it came to releases.
Because Fallout 4 isn't skyrim, and, even with the hype its gotten, its nowhere near Skyrim levels.
You think they released a game on 11/11/11 just to get that cool looking date? Had nothing to do with it being a Friday?
I am sure I am not the only one that will disagree with you their, and statistically you are very wrong. Bethesda I can safely say disagrees with you as well.
That's literally THE stated reason on why they released it on a Friday, because 11/11/11 was such a great marketing/hype generating date.
They even said they picked that date because it 'was cool'.
The date was chosen for the 11/11/11. Fridays are quite often a bad time to release games. Quite often games do need quick bug fixes and it is best if it is done during the week and not on the weekend.
"Most games come out Tuesday" does work here. Its normal and not out of the ordinary at all. Skyrim was out of the ordinary. And dont most people work on weekends? Im going to assume that 20 year olds are the biggest demographic for the game. They work. Dont have school.
This is logical, I can reason with this.
Oblivion and Morrowind came out on a monday, and Fallout 3 came out on a tuesday.
I am glad it's coming out on tuesday, less waiting.
No I wanna play the game on a Friday instead of a Tuesday, that is all this thread is about, its a rant about preferring Friday over Tuesday.
So far everyone thinks Tuesday is better, to each their own.
Lucifer agreed with me up their so their is that
"Releasing games on Tuesday is now the industry standard in the US, all thanks to a little video game punnery."
Lolz, good article
I missed this reply, well that is interesting.
So wait until Friday before you start playing the game, there problem solved.
Not every game releases on a Tuesday though. As you pointed out yourself Skyrim came out on a Friday, right?
I did read an article not long ago as well about that topic and for the UK it is often another day, I believe it had something to do with audio cd-releases. Could have been a Thursday or even a Monday.