I've always thought Sheogorath to be one of the darker princes. People hate him, and he causes pain and suffering frequently. In SI, however, he was a comedian. Sure, he represented certain aspects of insanity, but Sheogorath is pretty much the definition of insanity. It stands to reason that he should have his schizophrenic murderous side. The ONLY times I ever saw something remotely similar to the darker side of insanity was when it was acompanied by some kind of punch line. "I'm so happy I could tear out your intestines and strangle you with them!". That may show signs of insanity, but there is no serious side of insanity, because it's a joke.
If you go to an asylum, I guarantee, not everyone will be the kind of happy person Sheogorath was depicted as. I'm talking about his PERSONALITY, by the way. I don't mean his realm, or his quests. Sure, his realm may be him, but he is also his realm. If his realm depicts dark insanity, so should his personality!
I just feel that there was a major joke made of Sheogorath. He has aways been an important villain. He threw the Ministry of Truth at Vivec!
How does everyone else feel, from a lore point of view? I've complained about it before in the general discussion, but people just enjoy his humour there. I feel people here may feel the same way as I do.