anyway, i too am somewhat disappointed in some things yet still find great joy and satisfaction in others.
if they would have omitted the new content then it would've been fo3.
we have to understand that with these new additions there will be bugs.
there will be things that didn't make the cut.
there will be things that some dislike while others love.
beth can't be expected to please everyone %100.
so please me %87, and please them %32, and them %59 and even you old lady, yeah you! you get %69 cuz you got the rollin pin!
all in all i think they did a decent job of delivering (at the core) what we expect out of a beth title. I've been wandering the wasteland since release and i still look forward to getting my time to play.
sure I've been frustrated while tryin to build and wish the settlers would realize that there's a hundred turrets surrounding them and they might not need me as much as they think they do. it is only a couple legendary raiders in the bunch, surely the heavy laser turrets and all their armor and weaponry will suffice.
and don't even get me started on preston! do it yourself, man. that's an order!
anybody that's played this title, regardless of the nit-picky little crap that may or may not exist, can wholeheartedly say that beth put alot of love in this game. more so than almost any other big dev out there. they are still gamers and it shows.
how many big devs have we seen change over the years to become annual dealers of mundain content?
I'm disappointed in that because we used to get some really good titles but now it's about the deadline, it seems.
i know there are some good ones on the horizon that aren't being pushed forward in haste just to fall in a certain fiscal quarter but they're new titles and they always get the polish before the annuals roll.
and I'm talkin big name aaa here, i know the indys rock! that's another post however. I've said my peace.