I wouldn't go that far, if you compare the skyrim pictures with Oblivion's you can see a big difference, I've noticed a lot of criticism from you I'm curious, do you actually plan on buying the game? also the footage we saw, isn't that the same footage Game informer saw? if that's the case then the footage is almost a year old and it's possible they've improved a lot of things like the physics of the giant falling.
Oh Im definately gonna buy it. Im loving the game play and I love the combat, and I was sceptical about dragons before but now I've seen them I'm in love. Besides its technical limitations I loved Oblivion and played it almost non stop for 4 years...
But this is 2011, and the graphics in Skyrim look like garbage. The lighting, while it is better than Oblivion (which isnt saying much) looks pretty bad, and the textures and detail are crap. .DDS while it may be a small file size makes for realy baddly compressed textures, the textures dont have alot of color gradient or sharpnes. And that is especially aparent when hes looking at the iron shield close up in the inventory, and thats not just the quality of the video.
I'm sure the artists have put many hours into making the game beautiful, but all that is lost when its all compresed down to fit on the Xbox 360.