Title says it all.
For me, I think it deserves a 2.5/10.
There wasn't really a climix. It was just a boring storyline where you're just running to places after places. Storyline was pretty much predictable. You fight CELL/Aliens. You're fighting CELL members because they think you're Prophet, and you're fighting Aliens because Earth is getting invaded by them. The storyline doesn't have a clear visual storyline, instead it was all over the place, one moment you would be facing CELL, than Aliens, than your marines will be helping you face the Aliens..
You're this bad a$$ marine who's killing CELL members like it's a piece of cake. You're this bad a$$ marine who's killing these "highly advanced" Aliens who could possibly be millions light year away as if it's nothing.
You're telling me they can easily travel to Earth and get their a$$ beat by basically a marine in a suit? Come on.. You would think these high-tech Aliens would be much harder and have higher advanced weapons.
I was quite disappointed in the overall storyline and action.
Crysis 2 should of had something like 300. You and several nanosuit equipped men facing tank aliens. Some with equipped high explosive radius if you shoot the wrong place.
Added several bosses in the climix with a twist storyline. Instead of just finding weapons after weapons in Terminal to fight that big bot, there should of been a big twist like one of your marines was an android who just took down 3 of your men, leaving you and your 2nd in command leader.
CELL members should of never existed to fight alcatraz. Instead, they should of focused strictly on the Aliens literally "invading" NYC. I feel as if the writers made the Aliens look inferior. Come on, seriously... they probably travelled millions of light year just to get their butt kicked by a guy in a nano suit..
CELL members should of been assistance to the Nano suit team to get to the core of those liquid tubes or whatever it was. CELL members should of been the technology-ish team where they have VTOL and all sorts of crazy weapons to provide to the nano suit team to make some crazy explosions happening in the core of where the liquid tubes are. I'm not talking about C4s after C4s, I'm talking about nano weapons such as a... an example a sphere looking explosives where lasers are coming out from several multiple holes while spinning.
It's the year 2027 in Crysis 2.. why not make it look more bad a$$ and think outside of the box instead of just re-design weapons we've seen so far?
The whole Prophet thing is lame where he dies, and his soul is what? In Alcatraz? That's pretty lame. Prophet should of been in Gordon's team (something like that), or in the CELL team assisting the new generation nano suit wearing men.
Anyway, I'm just pointing it out there that today's writers are now amateur at best. Richard Morgan, you should definitely step out of the video game industry, simply because you're too clingy to 20XX. It's suppose to be 2027, 20 years time can lead up to a whole lot of different possibilities in technology.
You, Richard Morgan the writer of Crysis 2 script think MW2 story was bad, you also said Halo was "bullsh*t", yet when I look at your work on Crysis 2, it's not even impressive.