So essentially you're complaining that you won't be able to have your custom selection of skills increasing 30% percent faster? Really now? Now it's not been said if there will or will not be custom Guardian Stones, but given the Guardian Stones we do know, this is a "problem" for EVERY "archetype". Quote-unquote on problem because it's only a problem to people who like to complain for the sake of complaining.
Absolutely. If I can accomplish the exact same thing in seven minutes instead of ten, how is that not always preferable? There's no loss in content. I can always travel the world killing a billion nameless monsters and I can still complete all the quests. I'm just forced to tediously grind certain skills that are not covered by guardina stones or make tedious trips to a few different guardian stones to adequately level my character.
What, at all, is good about this system when Beth could just as easily implement a system in which I simply choose preferred skills?
Like I said before, 30% faster, if we're going to go by the previous recent Elder Scrolls games, doesn't mean much. In fact, it's significantly less than what you could achieve in the previous games. This problem is a non-problem. You're just complaining to complain.
It encourages a grind. The fix is absurdly simple (it shouldn't have needed a fix to begin with). What does the size matter? If you have a hangnail, you don't just leave it there to bug you because it's not a big deal. You clip it off.
The Stealth Specialization has combat options, so the Thief Guardian Stone will do just fine for those who want to raise Stealth skills. It doesn't matter if a weapon skill that isn't part of the Stealth Specialization is getting raised. Level scaling isn't as terrible as Oblivion AND you won't get any level penalty for doing so. You won't miss out maximizing a level as you would in the previous games (Missing out on attribute multipliers). You won't even have to spend your perk points right away.
It doesn't have combat options. It has skills that can augment combat, not combat in itself. Mages of destruction, should that be moved to the "combat" category? The issue is with creating a tedious experience, not whether or not you'll be penalized after all is said and done. The game is penalizing you
You do not need guardian stone bonuses, or pay any mind whatever, to the archetype distinctions, to either role play, or progress a character with an effective build. The bonuses to certain groups of skills is there if you want it. Don't take the bonus is deliberate gimping? I agree only insofar as initially you will miss out. Personally, finding a more interesting stone will be a priority, one that goes with my character. So whether these early available bonuses are well thought out or not becomes moot at that point.
You don't, obviously. Just like how you didn't need x5 attribute modifiers in Morrowind or Oblivion. But the game absolutely encouraged that type of play. That is not the way a role playing game should be designed. It should be designed to encourage and foster role playing. It will always be less successful at that if it's constantly incentivizing grinding out your character stats.
This is what I'm talking about. A game that fosters role playing rather than one that encourages grinds.
Sounds like your complaints are really a disguise for complaints of the class-less system and decrease of attributes system that Skyrim has.
You know, I'm going to make a character that only raises the Speech skill and then complain that I can't excel in combat. That's how you sound like. Seriously. The only dumb thing here is your logic.
That's not what I said, like, at all.
Ok... Backs do realise the set of skills is the thief not stealth or assassin please read the post you reply. Do the thief guild rewards the character for not killing not being noticed. You want the dark brother hood( by the sounds of it your already in the mind set. ) assassins are stealth KILLERs you'll need some stealth some warrior kills. Tag the theif stone you'll soon level your combat kill if you really plan on killing lots of ppl.
What does being a thief have to do with whether or not combat skills are included? Or, why not then also exclude things like light armor speech and alchemy as well? The thieves guild has never completely shunned necessary or unavoidable killing. They are a band of thugs who rob people. Things were slightly different in Oblivion, but even then the no-kill order was waived on occasion.