As far as details go, there will be a home charging station that is portable, but only works if you set it up in your Megaton or Tenpenny player home (and maybe a few other locations that would probably have access to power, like Underworld and the Citadel Lab). When in the field, you'll be able to partially recharge using fission batteries, energy weapon ammo, or ceramic ultracapacitors (lightweight, high capacity, rechargeable, but expensive batteries available from Durga at the Citadel). One charge should last about a day (16 game hours), but will depend on how often you run and how much weight you're carrying. You will actually be recharging a quest item, the PA Power Inverter, so the charge will carry over when you switch armor.
I'm trying to make it as easy as possible to maintain compatibility with other mods - I'm pretty sure that if I wanted each set of armor to have its own charge level, I'd need to give them all object scripts, whereas this just requires altered object effects. FOSE will be required. If there's much interest, and I get permission, I'll add compatibility for DLC and some major mods.
*Edit - I'm also considering making some of the bonuses part of a modular upgrade system. There would be melee damage, carry weight, and solar recharge modules, etc., that you could purchase, though they would add to the power draw.