Well I'm 47 but the game has to be wife approved, so ... an advlt rating would be difficult to get past. Granted however, many of the games today need to tone their gore down (I'm talking to you DA2) or be rated advlt IMO. It's just not necessary and maybe an advlt rating would convence them to tone it down a bit.
I don't know if you were kidding or not, but if you're honestly 47 and can't play M rated games because your wife won't let you, then ... I don't even know what to say. I've lost all faith in mankind.
It's liability. Video games are societies scapegoats for 21st century social ills.
I understand why, but I don't. I'm sick of companies, advertisers and the rest of the world caving in every time a parent tries to blame something besides themselves for their poorly raised children. I don't get why the world lets bad parents off the hook with all this pathetic scapegoating.