I'd give Brink an 85. If they improve the graphics I will give it an 87. If they add more game modes like infamous TDM (Please don't flame about this) and more challenges or some new types of game modes that SD could create I'd bump it up to 90 to 93, depending on how good the DLC or update is. If they add more guns and fluent gameplay, I'd move it up to a 95 or so. In reality, this game really deserves a high rating, so SD, make it happen!

I can't wait to see what kind of updates and DLC they make. Too bad IGN hates this game and Metacritic's user score dropped the score by 3 points because of one idiot, and the critic score dropped to an 80 because of a few harsh critics. At the moment, Brink is just alittle above mediocre, nut I expect sometime in the near future the game will become better, and finally meet those grumpy critics' standards!