» Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:05 am
OP, although I like your RP backstory, I wouldn't use it myself. When I RP, I want my character to have a vested interest in the world he saves. I've thought about RPing an immortal, but then I'd feel "expected" to succeed. As a mere mortal, it's a more epic accomplishment to succeed, and that makes it more of an accomplishment.
I'm not a lore-buff, but what's the timeline between the events of Morrowind, Oblivion, and now Skyrim? Couldn't an elf race feasibly still be alive (naturally) throughout those years?
For myself, I'm RPing 3 characters:
- Ex-Imperial Battlemage that escapes to Skyrim to start a new life.
- Nord warrior from Bruma, never been to Skyrim, had visions of Akatosh calling him North. Conflicted, he must choose to fight for either his home (Cyrodiil), or his blood (Skyrim). He's the personification of the Imperial/Nordic conflict.
- Powerful Altmer Wizard from the Imperial City. He travels to Skyrim to turn the tide of the war in favor of the Aldmeri Dominion, but may have a change of heart.
I like playing a Nord, because they have the most at stake in Skyrim. Imperials are vanilla, but they also have a pivotal role in Skyrim's events. Altmer are the reason for this war, so their race is also vastly influential in Tamriel.
I feel that all other races make less compelling RP characters in Skyrim due to their lack of involvement in Skyrim's events.