We all know that there is little to no accurate information ever recorded in TES about the actions of the player character from previous games. There are obvious reasons why this is in reality. But from an RP stand point how do you rationalise it?
Personally here's how I go about it.
My character in Skyrim, is the same Character as I had in Morrowind all those years ago, the exact same. He is ancient. His soul was set aside by the gods at the end of his life (I've a massive back story about him.) after a pledge he made. The Gods call apon his services in times of need, once his usefulness has come to an end, he is returned to the void.
When he is called apon, he doesn't know why, he doesn't know where he is. All he knows is that there is some serious issue that needs tending to, and its upto him to find what that is.
This is why he can have the impact on Nirn and Tamriel he does, and yet his actions are never recorded in detail.
Does anyone have a similar method?