The TESNexus link has been updated to V.1.4

PES link will follow.
Sorry it is taking me SOOOOOOOOO long to get anywhere with this mod

Okay, so seeing how college is starting up for me and I have about a million WIP projects on my PC I'm going to start releasing updates in smaller portions to help get this stuff out to the public sooner much like I'm doing with AC. I just don't have the time to do a lot of the big features just yet such as putting in an infection system so I'm going ahead and releasing what I have completed so far. Beta V.1.4 contains the new hunger system as well as the new lock bashing system and a few new updated sound effects. None of which is at a point where I would consider it final since I have plenty of ideas to improve each of these features, but like I said, I'm only one guy

It would be a nice feature tu add that as a werewolf both in human or wolf form you could no handle silver weapons nor armor, and equiping them would result in fatigue and health damage as well as atribute reduction in strength and endurance. also if this effect takes place in precence of a guard of solsteim mostly (becose they are familiar with these sinthoms) a bounty is ensued and you are labeled as a known werewolf
I'd like to do something like this but it would simply be way too script intensive. I just don't really see how it would be worth the tremendous amount of work I'd have to put into it.
Any news on the progress for the next update? I assume you've been working on AC for the time being instead, although there's nothing wrong with breaks - if I even tried to script this much I'd probably get a migraine.
Ya, I'd say I'm pretty much divided to the max right about now. I'd say it's time for me to finish these massive projects I've got started. Anyways, let me know what you think of V.1.4. With my luck there is probably going to be something huge I forgot to fix before uploading the file hahah.