[Relz][Beta] Ravenous Hunger - Thread #2

Post » Mon May 07, 2012 12:24 pm

Ravenous Hunger (RH) Beta V.1.4 Readme

------What does this mod do?-------

Ravenous Hunger is a complete overhaul of Bloodmoon's lycanthropy system. It adds new lycanthrope variants and gives the old system a fresh new start. Nearly every aspect of the original lycanthropy system has been changed or improved in some way.

Also Note: This is a beta, therefore it is bound to have many bugs and balancing issues. So if you notice anything odd or out of place, please don't complain about it and then give the mod a bad rating. Instead, please let me know so that I may correct the bugs and release a fixed version.


* New Werecreatures:


Werewolves are the most commonly sited lycanthrope in Tamriel. They are known to live in every province, however due to the
start of the Bloodmoon Prophecy an alarming number of them have begun to move towards Morrowind. Compared to many of the
other lycanthropes, werewolves are toward the end of the food chain. The only lycanthrope weaker than a werewolf is the
werevulture, however the only lycanthrope stealthier is the werelion. If you wish to play as a stealth based lycanthrope that is
light on its feet, you may want to give the werewolf a try.

There are now multiple werewolf variants based off of the normal Tamrielic wolves.
Currently these include the following:

-Common Werewolves - These have replaced the original BM werewolf. They are black in color and can be found in both VVardenfell and Solstheim.

-Timber Werewolves - These werewolves make-up the middle ground of the three werewolf types. They are stronger than Common Werewolves, but weaker than Snow Werewolves.
While less frequently spotted than the Common Werewolves, Timber Werewolves can be found in both Vvardenfell and Solstheim.

-Snow Werewolves - These werewolves have greater resistance to frost and are the most dangerous of the three werewolf types. They are only found in Solstheim.


Under Construction


Under Construction


Under Construction


Under Construction


Under Construction


Under Construction

- (New Lycanthrope Stat System)
* Each different lycanthrope now has their own set of strengths and abilities that will fluctuate depending on your human stats.
You'll also recieve a bonus to your human form that will fluctuate depending on the moon phases.

- (New Transformation System)
* You will only be forced to transform when Secunda is full. The only exception is during the Bloodmoon phases which will force you to transform each night.
* Your character will now automatically put his or her equipment on after changing back into their human form.
* Transformations are now a little more dramatic. When the transformation begins your character will fall to the ground and black out.
When he/she wakes up they will be transformed. So a word of advice, DON'T transform near enemies and pay attention to the full-moon warning messages.

- (New AI System)
* Improved NPC reactions when seeing lycanthropes. Now people will actually run as soon as they see a lycanthrope. The default MW setup would make NPCs run only after a lycanthrope got close enough to touch them.

- (New Lockbashing System)
* Lycanthropes can now bash locks open in order to get through locked doors.

- (New Hunger System)
* Bloodlust is now willpower based meaning that you will have to eat less and less the higher your willpower is.
* You now have to eat your victims corpse in order to cure your bloodlust. Activating their corpse will cause your character to feed on them.
* Bloodlust now causes a near constant pain as opposed to the original hourly pain that you would experience without Ravenous Hunger. Be aware that this new bloodlust pain is just a deadly as the original.

- (New Lycanthrope Abilities)
* New options for setting your Time Scale in-game have been put in. This helps balance the new lycanthrope abilities introduced with RH. (Recommended setting is 15).
* 'Activate' button. Allows you to feed on a corpse in order to heal yourself and cure your bloodlust. (Obviously setting this key to your activate key is recommended.)
* 'Change-at-Will' button. Let's you change whenever you will it, but only if your character has a willpower of at least 80.
* 'Enhance Vision' button. Simply lets you turn your night-eye on and off. This also works in human form but it's a much smaller magnitute and fluctuates according to the current moon phase. You must have a willpower level of 50 before you can activate it.
* 'Enhance Sense of Smell' button. Lets you turn your detect creature ability on and off. Just like the enhanced vision this also works in human form but it's a much smaller magnitute and fluctuates according to the current moon phase. Must have 65 willpower to use it.

Note: (Doesn't affect lycanthrope form) Endurance now affects how long you can keep these powers going and how often you can re-use these powers. However rather than Endurance, Willpower affects how long you can stay transformed after Changing-at-Will.

Many of these abilities require your character to concentrate which takes time. Use them only when you think you're not endanger of getting slaughtered by something.

You MUST choose which key you want to use for each button by equipping the RH ring in your inventory and completing the RH configuration menu. If you don't pick a key for each of these you will NOT be able to use them in your game.

- (General Additions)
* You'll now find a few wild werewolves on Vvardenfell along with a few hiding in towns and cities.
* New ingredients obtained only through killing lycanthropes.


Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon.

This mod also requires the newest version of Morrowind Script Extender. If you decide not to use Morrowind Script Extender, then this mod may not work as intended or even at all.

This mod also requires the Morrowind Code Patch's "Strength-based Hand to Hand Damage" option to be enabled for balancing purposes. If you do not use this, the damage that you are able to dish out as a werewolf will be severely decreased.

-----Installation and Playing-----

Extract the rar archive file directly into your Morrowind/ folder. Make sure the meshes are in the data files/meshes folder, then textures in the data files/textures folder, sounds go in the data files/sound/cr/were folder, and the main .esp in the data files folder.

After that, check off Ravenous Hunger.

If you want to replace the werewolf textures with some of your own you can. To replace the Common Black Werewolf texture just
make sure they are named "Tx_Creature_Werewolf" and "Tx_Creature_Werewolf_1st", then drop them into your texture folder and overwrite any files it warns you about.
If you want to replace the Snow Werewolf or Timber Werewolf textures go to Data Files/Textures/RH/Snow Werewolf or Data Files/Textures/RH/Timber Werewolf and place your textures in there. Be sure to rename them "TX_Skin" and "TX_Skin.1st".
( Note that only TGA files will work for these two werewolves. )

You can also switch out the eyes of the werewolves if you want to. To change the Black Werewolf's eyes simply drag and drop an eye texture into you textures folder. Be sure it is named "TX_Creature_Werewolf_Eye".
If you want to change the Snow Werewolf eyes or Timber Werewolf eyes simply rename the eye file to "TX_Eye", then copy and paste it into either your Data Files/Textures/RH/Snow Werewolf folder or Data Files/Textures/RH/Timber Werewolf folder.

This mod should work just fine with old saves as long as your character isn't already a lycanthrope. If your character is already a lycanthrope, you may run into unforseen problems (although you might want to give it a shot just to be sure).
ABOVE ALL make sure your character isn't already in werewolf form before you load Ravenous Hunger.

If updating from a previous version of RH I would suggest that you turn off and delete your old copy. Then load your saves and resave them *without* RH activated. After that turn on the newer version and resave *with* it active.
(Note: Any of your characters that were one of the new Lycanthropes will no longer have Lycanthropy.)


Note: Make sure your character isn't in were-beast form.

Delete the "Ravenous Hunger" file.

Then delete the RH folders in your meshes, textures, and sound sections of your data files

If you want to get rid of the default werewolf texture replacers simply delete "Tx_Creature_Werewolf", "Tx_Creature_Werewolf_1st", and "Tx_Creature_Werewolf_Eye" from the textures folder.

-----Known Issues-----


Most of the incorporated mods will be incompatible with RH if used along side it.

No other mods are yet known to be incompatible.

*Bugs and Annoyances*
NOTE: I have NOT purposely included any changes to the BM main quest yet. This means that you may find something broken with it while playing the beta as I haven't had time to check over all of the quests. Please let me know if you see any bugs so that I can look into it.

If you lose your configuration ring for the mod you can type this into your console to get it back: Player->additem "RHConfigurationRing" 1

New areas added by mods can sometimes read strangely when dealing with the new Regionally Known Werewolf scripts.

-----Future Plans-----

Add the rest of the Tamrielic werecreatures.

Hopefully implement some of the new lycanthropes into the original Bloodmoon main quest.

Add some completely new quests for the lycanthropes.

Add new animations to make the different lycanthropes move more realisticly.

Add a Daggerfall style Hircine's Ring with it's own quest as well as some brand new lycanthrope based artifacts.

Randomize the Regionally Known Werewolf wait time to add a bit more realism to it and allow cities to randomly spread the word of you being a lycanthrope.

Add a rage system that randomly forces the player to 'divinely' transform when you are close to death in human form.

Make Change-at-Will stats based on Secunda's phases.

Add more Lycanthrope ingredients.

Replace the simple "fadeouts" that occur when using the new lycanthrope powers with cooler effects and animations.

Add Lycanthrope Hunters and Lycanthrope packs that will actually travel around at night.

Fix the rest of the known bugs.

Allow 'Domestic' werewolves to change-at-will when in combat.

-----Version History-----

Beta V.1.0 - Initial Release.

Beta V.1.1 - Fixed a problem with the sounds not installing to the correct folder. Fixed the repeating messages bug. Put in a configuration ring for the new buttons. Howling now disables player controls for 10 seconds. Various other changes and fixes.

Beta V.1.11 - Fixed the problem with the stats not resetting correctly after a transformation.

Beta V.1.2 - Enabled the Werewolf Warning mod by Glassboy. Put in the first of the new lycanthrope ingredients. Change-at-Will willpower requirement has been lowered to 80 from 100.

Beta V.1.3 - Streamlined many of the scripts and fixed a lot of the more annoying problems. Human form bonuses are now dependent on the phases of Secunda and will fluctuate according to them. Enabled a minor night-eye and detect creature toggle
for your human form (Moon Phase Dependent). Willpower now affects how long you stay transformed when you Change-at-Will and how long you can keep your night-eye/detect creature on when in human form.
Endurance now affects how often you can use your powers each day. Changed the NPC and Creature reactions when they see you in lycanthrope form to be more realistic. I've finally made my first attempt at retexturing the snow werewolf O.o .
A new menu has been put in to allow the player to set the Time Scale in order to help keep many of the new abilities balanced.

Beta V.1.4 - Completely overhauled the old hunger system. You can now bash open locks as a lycanthrope. The sound effects have been improved. Fixed various bugs and hopefully the infamous CTD that was plaguing RH.
Removed the creature fear feature until I can figure out how to get it working correctly.


NOTE: I want everyone to understand that I take no credit for creating the mods that were incorporated into RH. The only
thing that I did as far as those mods are concerned is modify what was already there. Without their amazing skills as modders
RH would be unimaginably worse.

Bethesda, for creating the best game in existence.
Evil Eye, for helping me with some of the misc. scripts.
Cortex, for his Werewolf Evolution script.
Yacoby, for his amazing Werewolf Re-Equip scripts, Werewolf Infection scripts, and for the button selecting scripts.
Zennorious, for his Regionally Known Werewolf scripts.
Sabregirl, for her Werewolf Realism scripts.
TheCandleTheif and Emberwolf, for allowing me to use their werewolf textures.
Wolf3131, Haine3, Renegade167, and Predator_King for being unbelievably helpful through beta testing for me.
_Dormouse_, for writing the werevulture's flight script.
Cyran0, for helping me with a major part of the Change at Will script.
GhanBuriGhan, for the climbing scripts.

-----Contact and Permission-----

You can contact me through the Elderscrolls forums as 'Wolvman'.

I fully encourage other freelance modders to create retextures, model replacements, and sound enhancements for any of the lycanthropes added by Ravenous Hunger.
If you wish to use anything from this mod be sure that if it is something from an incorporated mod that you give the correct credit to that mod's creator (not me).
If you want to use anything else please contact me and ask for permission. If I don't get in touch with you within a week you can go ahead and use it as long as you give credit where it's due.

Download Links
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26530 ( Beta V.1.4 )
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=7766 ( Beta V.1.4 )
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 3:15 pm

Heyo! Just made it through my first transformation and I'd just like to say it works great... but there are two (minor) things you might wanna look at in v 1.3:

1) Using howl works even if you're in menu mode; i.e. if you type "stopcombat" into the console and your howl button is assigned to "b" then it will activate as soon as you're out of the console. Not huge, but it was something that came up a few times.

2) Your werewolves are strong. VERRRRY STRONG. My lvl 20 argonian with a silver claymore and lvl 60 long blade ran up to attack one during one of the fight scenes in the MQ and took out about 1/16 of its health... maybe. In contrast, it only took one megaton punch from IT to one-hit-kill me. Even the skaal honor guards, which are pretty beefy and armed to the teeth with silver, needed three of their buddies to kill one werewolf. I dunno. Just struck me as a little overpowered for the stealthy lycanthropes.

Besides that, excellent work, everything works like a charm :goodjob:
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:07 am

Heheh, thanks for the info. I knew that some of the werewolves were strong, but I didn't think that I made them THAT strong. I'll check them out for the next release. About the howling in the menu thing, I haven't been able to really figure out a way that allows me to stop the button when the menu is up entirely. The best I could do at the time of writing the script was simply making it activate once the menu closes again. I'll look into it before the next release though. Maybe I'll be able to think of some improvements this time.
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 12:50 pm

@Mr.Yuck ive noticed the werewolves are much weaker then vanilla werewolves :) but i could be mistaken. It might be from a previous thread the question was "how do you like the new lycanthropes" awnsers were too strong, too weak or just right. Most went with too weak and im still having problems with the downloading so im not sure with the new version mabye he changed it.
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Stryke Force
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 6:17 pm

I think that those werewolves that Mr.Yuk was fighting had set stats from Bethesda, as I haven't touched the stats of the Skaal village werewolves.
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:52 pm

This is great!!!
Love supernatural mods...
I'm working on one now, maybe over the next month or so I could like playtest and stuff??
This is nice, because I'm focusing on the hunting of the creatures aspect which is severely screwed out of the game, excepting "Witchhunter" as a class.
So making the evil side better and more realistic is great; and I've always preferred weres to vamps anyway.
Stupid frigging Twilight...
You guys know some one made a Rob Patterson face @ hair, chucked him in a house in Pelagiad, called him Edward Cullen, and he would attack you.
When you killed him you would recieve the Twilight books as loot???
I swear on Akatosh's scales. The entire freaking book was copied into Morrowind.
I attempted to burn it in a brazier, but unfortunately that doesn't work all the way...........
And I have no idea where to find it, it was completely random.
(And if I did I wouldn't tell you)
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 11:32 am

I dunno. If you watch the part of the MQ where you get infected the werewolves seemed to just dominate. I ended up consoling like eight of them dead so I could continue ( :hehe: ) and silver (at least in my build) does nil. And werewolf quests that were super difficult in vanilla I ended up blazing through... It's just something to look at, It could just be me :P

Also, I'm just curious... How are you looking at silver vs. lycanthropes in RH?

EDIT: Also note that with the incorporated werewolf evolution I'm about lvl 20, and I'm talking about just charging up to someone and hitting them, I could care less how much damage werewolves do in sneak :P
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:27 am

Elessar Telcontar: Heheh, thanks. That's pretty funny about the Twilight thing.

Mr. Yuk: Silver still does double damage to all lycanthropes. I'll double check the Skaal Village werewolves out to see what there stats are set to.

News: I have been getting a LOT done lately with the mod. But I still have a LOT left to do before the next release. I'll go into the specifics as I get closer to releasing it.

Other than that I'm wondering if anybody has any ideas on how I can implement the other stats into the mod somewhere. Using just willpower for everything seems like a bad idea.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:42 am

There were a few ideas I had awhile back...
1) Increasing human form strength as one gets closer to full moon and lowering willpower :D
2) Vice versa during new moon
3)Ditching of the whole "hircine ring" scripts and implementing a potion that a player can make via dialogue or some kinda funky alchemist's set that stops transformations for a day/ maybe even vice versa
4) Implementation of rituals the player can undergo to increase his power
5) Weekly transformations, transformations every three days, or transformations after the moon hits phase 3 (it's not hard to modify your scripts to do the latter, just thought I'd mention some of those :) )
6) Send werewolf hunters out in packs to fight lycanthropes (probably during bloodmoon)

Those were all some that I was wanting to tackle awhile ago but I'm retiring from Morrowind for a while and figured they didn't match up with the way I wanted to do my mod anyway :P Have at 'em, I'll probably be back in a few months to add some lycanthrope quests :D

EDIT: That is, if you want to... most of them aren't everyone's cup o' tea, so if you don't want them I'll hit 'em when I come back :D
EDIT #2: You could probably use endurance as a way to reduce hunger during transformation (just thought I'd add something relevant :D )
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 9:50 am

5) Weekly transformations, transformations every three days, or transformations after the moon hits phase 3 (it's not hard to modify your scripts to do the latter, just thought I'd mention some of those :) )
Do you mean full moon transformations or just every three days? Else, clarify?
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 4:00 pm

If i can make a suggestion, after Tamriel Rebuilt is finished you should integrate RH with it: (http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/) Making them regional, for example, To be lore friendly Werecrocs should only be found in the Argon Jungle.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 3:32 pm

There were a few ideas I had awhile back...
1) Increasing human form strength as one gets closer to full moon and lowering willpower :D
2) Vice versa during new moon
3)Ditching of the whole "hircine ring" scripts and implementing a potion that a player can make via dialogue or some kinda funky alchemist's set that stops transformations for a day/ maybe even vice versa
4) Implementation of rituals the player can undergo to increase his power
5) Weekly transformations, transformations every three days, or transformations after the moon hits phase 3 (it's not hard to modify your scripts to do the latter, just thought I'd mention some of those :) )
6) Send werewolf hunters out in packs to fight lycanthropes (probably during bloodmoon)

Those were all some that I was wanting to tackle awhile ago but I'm retiring from Morrowind for a while and figured they didn't match up with the way I wanted to do my mod anyway :P Have at 'em, I'll probably be back in a few months to add some lycanthrope quests :D

EDIT: That is, if you want to... most of them aren't everyone's cup o' tea, so if you don't want them I'll hit 'em when I come back :D
EDIT #2: You could probably use endurance as a way to reduce hunger during transformation (just thought I'd add something relevant :D )

1. & 2. Working on it, but I'm not yet sure if I could get it stable enough to not cause problems.
3. Good Idea. I'll look into something like that. Although I'm definitely going to be keeping the old Hircine ring in the mod, but adding some other ways to go about giving the player some more control would be great.
4. Also good idea. I've been wanting to do some stuff like that for a long while now. Still, I won't have much time to work on that until I get done with the basic scripts first.
5. I'm probably going to give the player the option of choosing how often they want to be forced to transform through the configuration ring. So hopefully I'll have that covered for the next release.
6. I've also really been wanting to do that. Not sure how easy that will be though.

Edit #2 Answer: Willpower already handles that nicely, but I'm thinking of using Endurance to control how many times you can Change-At-Will each day without hurting yourself.

If i can make a suggestion, after Tamriel Rebuilt is finished you should integrate RH with it: (http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/) Making them regional, for example, To be lore friendly Werecrocs should only be found in the Argon Jungle.

I've really been wanting to do this, the only problem would be that it takes so long to get each of their maps out. I might release some expansions one map at a time rather than wait for them to complete everything.
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:26 pm

I don't know if you fixed this already, but your problem with the howl activating when you're in a menu should be solved by adding this to the top of your howl script (after your variables are declared):

if ( menuMode == 1 )

That makes sure nothing happens while you are in your inventory or the console.

Anyways, really looking forward to your next release. This is sounding awsome :thumbsup:
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le GraiN
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 5:06 pm

Thanks Epididamus, but that code has already been put into the Howling script. It seems to only hold the howl off until the menu is closed rather than just simply ignore the button when pressed.
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James Potter
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 4:07 pm

Can't really help out with implementation but if you're looking for ideas, here's some thoughts:

I'd say, to any normal person, the realisation that they've become a werewolf is something to be appalled by. Unlike becoming a vampire (party all night, sleep all day) a werewolf is someone who's in thrall to the Beast, intelligence and humanity are lost with the transformation, one becomes an animal who's only intent on slaughter. The gradual realisation of this would cause a great crisis of conscience: do you continue to live knowing that regularly you commit unspeakable acts of bloodshed? Can you live with yourself? What kind of person would embrace this?

Have you ever seen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_American_Werewolf_In_London? Still an awesome movie. Anyway, after becoming infected the protagonist becomes more alive. His senses are keener, his physique improved and his appetites (all of them ;)) stronger. He likes what's happened to him.

Until he realises those odd dreams he's been having recently aren't just dreams...

Now, I'm not sure how one could replicate this in game. But, I guess what I'm saying is that lycanthropy should be more of a curse than a blessing. Transformations should have a random element (modified by Luck?) and happen at the worst possible times. For instance, is it possible to detect when an NPC greets the player? Could that be intercepted and a transformation check made then? Yes, it's awesome to rend and tear when you're facing enemies but an unwanted transformation when you're just trying to pass through town or buy a new shirt to replace the one you ripped to pieces last night...

So, I'm not that keen on the idea of the player being given any control over transformations either through a configuration interface or ingame (bar the Hircine ring). I just don't feel that you should be able to unleash the beast as you'd turn a tap on or off. Werewolves have to deal with the beast that lurks within all of us, there's just comes to the surface. With teeth. And frothing for blood.

Having said that, the introduction of some alchemical quest for ingredients that when combined will reputedly prevent transformation would be nice for someone RPing a PC who hates their new state.

Finally, a book I read some years ago: http://www.christiedikeason.com/books/quicksilver.html might give you some quest ideas.
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 2:43 pm

6. I've also really been wanting to do that. Not sure how easy that will be though.


Take a look at those hlaalu vs. bandit patrol videos Starfire's working into her NPC addition mod, that's what got me thinking about werewolf hunters :P
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:51 am

Dragon32: Thanks for the input. I've not yet seen American werewolf in London, but I intend to. I also believe that most people (NPCs) would dislike knowing that they are a werewolf. So I am planning on putting that into the mod through dialogue with other lycanthropes. I'm not too sure about the random transformation happening all of the time. Maybe I could work it into a quest were you get cursed by a witch of Hircine or something and have to get it cured.

Mr. Yuk: That mod is great. Although I'll probably just make them randomly spawn the way DB Assassins do to keep things simple.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 5:58 pm

Other than that I'm wondering if anybody has any ideas on how I can implement the other stats into the mod somewhere. Using just willpower for everything seems like a bad idea.
If your looking for another stat to use mabye it would be a good idea for you to release three versions one for theives one for mages and one for warriors. For warriors strength for theives it would require agility and for mages, willpower. Warriors are normaly lycanthropes, as they can not use magic, so it doesnt make sense that you need to be a mage in order to become a lycanthrope [edit] with transform at will.

Also any news?
And have you thought about making a release threads at GHF?
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Wane Peters
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:52 pm

Other than that I'm wondering if anybody has any ideas on how I can implement the other stats into the mod somewhere. Using just willpower for everything seems like a bad idea.
Willpower, luck... *thinks* What about endurance (which governs resistance to diseases in Daggerfall), and intelligence? So, endurance would be sort of like your body's physical willpower. As for intelligence, a character with a higher base intelligence might retail a bit more of his or her reasoning skills when overtaken by the beast (a lycanthropic transformation)?
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P PoLlo
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 6:49 pm

Oh i was thinking the strength to transform at willbut i like the endurance idea better.
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IsAiah AkA figgy
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 5:01 pm

Thanks for the ideas guys.

I have made major improvements to the mod since version 1.2. Change-at-will has had a major overhaul with endurance now determining how many times you can transform each day and willpower determining how long you can stay transformed. I have also managed to get some of Yacoby's Werewolf Infection mod working (still have some more work to do on that however). I also finally put in some werecrocodile spawns, but I still have to fix up the model, texture, and sounds a little before release. Many more ingredients have been put in.

There's still lot's more to come on top of that.

I'm debating on whether or not I should implement misc. ways of forced transformations that work even during the day. Like for the rage caused transformations from getting hurt really bad over and over again or the random percent chance to transform from simply interacting with lots of people as suggested by Dragon32. To me it seems like it might be neat to have little things like that keeping the disease seeming like more of a curse than a gift. Then again it would probably be a lot of extra work and may even get annoying for a lot of people. It would at least bring the attribute of luck into the equation a little more. What do you guys think?
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 11:06 am

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Thomas LEON
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:18 pm

I'm debating on whether or not I should implement misc. ways of forced transformations that work even during the day. Like for the rage caused transformations from getting hurt really bad over and over again or the random percent chance to transform from simply interacting with lots of people as suggested by Dragon32. To me it seems like it might be neat to have little things like that keeping the disease seeming like more of a curse than a gift. Then again it would probably be a lot of extra work and may even get annoying for a lot of people. It would at least bring the attribute of luck into the equation a little more. What do you guys think?

You could maybe have rage induced transformations, but I wouldn't like transformations from interactions with people, that would be uberly annoying.
If it's more work and not many people are too fussed about it then you might as well leave it.

I was wondering, could cooler transformations be put in place, like you could force 1st. person on the player, then blur the screen and play sounds or something, you know, that kinda atmospheric stuff.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 3:47 pm

I was wondering, could cooler transformations be put in place, like you could force 1st. person on the player, then blur the screen and play sounds or something, you know, that kinda atmospheric stuff.

I could, but it would require the use of MGE. Which is something I'm holding off until I get this other stuff out the door.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 4:41 pm

Heh. I know it could be annoying, but if you ask me:

What do you guys think?
Then it's this:

the disease [is] more of a curse than a gift.
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