Good to hear it! I love this mod, and I always use it when I use my warrior character!
I'm glad you like my mod. The next version already has nearly double as much content as the current version. Hopefully you'll enjoy it even more then.
This mod is really nice Wolvman, just there is a part that does not convince me:
(* Transformations are now slightly more realistic and dramatic. When the transformation begins your character will fall to the
ground and lose his/her vision. So a word of advice, DON'T transform near enemies and pay attention to the warning messages.)
I believe that the transformation would be more useful being kept in foot.
This one is not my language. I hate the translators.
Thank you TioGilito22. The slower transformations are something that won't be changed for quite awhile however. With the mod's current setup many of the other scripts in use need the slower transformation effects to work properly. Still I may include an option in the configuration menu to allow for faster transformation in a later version.
So here's a recap of what is going to be in V.1.0 (Full):
1. Werelions and Werecrocodiles (Check 1st post for screenshots of current progress)
2. Smoother lycanthrope experience due to more optimized scripts.
3. Many new ingredients for all you alchemists out there.
4. Human form bonuses now fluctuate with the moon phases of each day.
5. Overhauled Change-at-Will system compatible with both mages and warriors.
6. More lycanthrope spawn points and a reworking of the old spawn points (some have a higher percent chance to spawn then before while others are lower).
7. Werewolf Infection's new system of feeding. (Hasn't yet replaced the old way but instead simply adds to it).
8. Many other minor changes that I've forgotten about by now

Stuff that
might make it in V.1.0:
1. Werewolf Infection's lycanthropy spreading system (for creating lycanthrope companions)
2. Biting, which will allow you to instantly infect someone with lycanthropy rather than having to use your claws on them in a fight.
Stuff that will probably be put in sometime after the next version:
1. Rage System - Transforms you almost instantly into a werewolf through magical forces rather than natural (allows you to transform much faster when it happens). This transformation will only occur when your character is close to death and has been in a fight for awhile. It will be based on a random percent chance to happen which will be very rare. (No relation to MWE's - Combat Enhanced mod).
2. Lycanthrope Hunters
3. Quests
4. The rest of the remaining Were-creatures.
5. And whatever else I can think off.