Now, when I ban, I watch the kill cam, take notice of KD ratio, switch to the same team as the hacker, and watch them to satisfy myself 100% that they are hacking, I do not just jump to conclusions and ban because I get killed 2-3 times by someone. I also, where possible, take video using FRAPS to have proof.
These 2 were definately hacking, one using a headshot aimbot (killed me 5-6 times one spawn across the map with headshot), and the other using cloak hack (shooting and killing from cloak). If you want to add them to you ban.xml file for rconnect, here is the info.
in rconnect your username what is that ? Tryed the username from gamesevers but er getting the message could not connect the server active denied acess.
What a disappointing release... I would say it is waaaayyy better if they delayed the game a bit more and fix'd all this crap and dealt with a little bit of whining. INSTEAD of 99% of the threads here being about the game being a pile of ****.
in rconnect your username what is that ? Tryed the username from gamesevers but er getting the message could not connect the server active denied access.
Leave the USERNAME box blank, you do not need a USERNAME, Just the IP, Port and Password. The password will be you cPanel Username. i.e. 456123.
Just for sh1t's and giggles, I have tried rconnect 2.0, and works well as well. If you have bans set up from 4.x, then you will need to manually enter them it seems as the banlist.xml file holds the info differently in the different versions, no biggy though.
Hypernia works with pretty much everything set up already but dont use numbers (I couldnt get it to work when I did). The instructions below may help other people.
1. ensure your server cmd line has the option +http_startserver port:xxxx where xxxx is the rcon TCP port (usually 7000 range). I don't have my server with Gameservers, but with my GSP I have no control over cmd line, so your GSP may have to fix your cmd line.
2. add http_password=xxxxxx where xxxxxx is your rcon password, to your dedicated.cfg (not sure what your GSP calls that file)
3. use a third party HTTP/XML-RPC client (for example 'rconnect 3.46', found here: ... 3/Rconnect v3.46/) to connect to the dedicated server. I actually use the version 4.
And thats it - put the ip, port and password in rconnect and it should work (it works for me....)
Yes it was the Firewall the problem is i have the next Error
The new Error is: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a certain period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
I have open a Support Ticket at i think is a problem with the Command line.