One thing to keep in mind, a dedicated tank is nice but doesn't seem to be required (I'm still makin' one however).
1) Weapon choice. So far, it seems that the difference between the types of one handed weapons is purely cosmetic. Use the best one you can find or the one you like the look of. However, a staff is a two handed weapon and can not be used with a shield. You can still tank with a destro staff however. You just wont have a shield.
2) General consensus for tanking (open to debate and alternate opinions) is something like 1 Magika to 2 Stamina and 2 Health. Likewise a lot of people mix armor types using five heavy armor and two light for the mana regeneration.
1. My suggestion for your second weapon would be Restoration staff. If nothing else get Mutagen, it's cheap and very, very useful. Of course best would be to have a healer who's casting it but hey, doesn't hurt. Force Siphon is also a useful skill especially when tanking bosses (which is when your role is most important).
2. I'd focus on both health and stamina. Stamina is also used for dodging, CC breaking, blocking, etc. (important for tanking); and while they use a percentage of stamina, having a larger stamina pool means your 1HShield skills use less of your pool.
Just a few ideas for you - you can always enchant your armor for the stats you like. You can also have extra/spare gear with Tanky/DPS enchants, should have room for it at higher levels.
There are enough skill points to specialize in more than 1 tree, so putting points in both Tanky and DPs abilities should not be a problem.
Well, I'm no specialist in tanking for TESO, but I'll help you out as much as I can:
I appreciate that you may have been looking for a cookie cutter-like build. However the diversity of this game will make it difficult to provide you one (considering very little testing can be done during the beta weekends).
1. If your going DK i think you would be better picking up a secondary with more CC. templars and mages can heal pretty much lots of those running around in game in beta. or maybe just go pure DPS i think that would be your best bet. most people who play DK i think prefer 2 hander
2. everyone has told me if going tank 100% health endgame. enchant mana and stamina... while leveling up im not sure i am hoping i could go 100% health without gimping myself.
1. as secondary weapon 100% time resto staff(use for long-time HoT and to store your class buffs so you can have the other bar full of damaging/CC skills) and swap main set between group (1h+ shield) and solo offensive weapon set, any do well (except of destro staff - you need magicka for self-buffs and your damaging class spells are much stronger then destro staff spells)
As for armor, dont go 7/7 heavy, it is waste of stats - got for 5/2 with 5 light or medium, depending if you feel you need more spell or more crits.
2. mana/staming pools does not matter, you can completely ignore them (if you got none points in magicka, you can cast 3 spells from your pool, if you got ALL points in magicka you can cast 4 spells before going dry). Seek to reach max. health, magicka and stamina regen caps(which is incretible easy, even only with food and no enchants I was at cap). After reachning those 3 caps nothing can really make you better tank so i would focuse on crit or any other way to boost your damage.