» Tue May 03, 2011 3:05 am
Four fame types rather than two, would be much better.
Fame- Most everything awards Fame, even a witnessed and reported murder would award some fame (but more infamy). How recognized you are (Multiple levels)
Honor - Fame gained only through Heroic or self-sacrificing actions.
Infamy- Fame gained through Severe crimes. The antithesis to Honor.
Roguishness - Fame gained through petty crime.
With Radiant Story, it would be relatively simple to make the basis for a system that identifies the player through these parameters. Radiant Story Draws upon your two highest skills to generate content, I don't see why it also couldn't react to the Level of Fame you have, plus your highest subfame score.
For example you have a low fame score, but high Roguishness, Certain people (Lower class) treat you as that "Dashing Rogue", guards scoff at your presence but aren't necessarily hostile. Certain padfoot tasks can be acquired
Being high fame and high Infamy would then result in being pursued relentlessly. Since everyone knows who you are (High Fame) and your tendency to be an overall cancer on society(High Infamy) Few are willing to Parlay, fewer even willing to simply let you walk amongst civilized men. I think that's a situation that warrants seemingly "Psychic Guards", since at high fame, you can assume you're recognized through the entirety of the land.
So yeah, overall I've been in support of a better realized "Criminal Underworld" type of game in TES titles. I feel that differentiating between something like Murder, and the theft of an apple, should be treated as differently as they are, but I doubt in this age, such a dynamic system could be implemented well.