I know that all of you here on gamesas constantly complain about crysis 2's bugs and glitches. So, you post topics about your problems and try to address crytek directly, then you wonder why crytek just ignores you. But here's the probable situation: crytek created gamesas, and put in the availability of making a topic. But, what you don't know is that crytek ALMOST DEFIDENTLY does not even read any of your posts. They most likely created forums so that we crysis lovers (and haters) can discuss the crysis universe amongst ourselves, and therefore leave us alone. So, if that's the case, when you have a problem, try and figure out cryteks phone number or something. Another possiblity is that they're currently working on for example; the dedication trophy behind our backs, just so they can surprise us! That's less likely though, or they're so caught up developping crysis 3, that they almost completely forgot about gamesas. I SERIOUSLY doubt that they just ignore all our complaints. Well this is all just my thoughts, but you have to agree, now that you think about it, it seems PRETTY likely dont you think?