When did they remove it, I quite liked switching over to that every so often. Although I do have to admit to being a bit of a Diamond City Radio fan. Also Freedom Radio is awful!
They didn't remove it, what the heck are you guys talking about?
Yeah, but that's basically the same as them removing the best radio station in F:NV. You do anything for or to Tabitha and the best radio station they've ever had is gone.
And uh...spoiler
Seriously? You have Tuvok as a voice and he doesn't have a radio station?! Instead we get Travis's nonsense? Dog was willing to come back, Ron Pearlman is a brief voiceover...but Travis?
Yeah Im pretty sure its tied to the main story. I only listen to music in my settlements and sometimes wandering, and for that I like the vibe of music the Diamond City radio gives you. I don't think I have even listened to the classical radio. Also... what about the radios? Can you place down a classical radio and have it play still in your settlement?