Ready, Notch, Aim... loose...

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:39 am


*Sneak attack x3*

*Archery increased to 89*

THAT feeling, when you hit and kill a flying hawk at 150 yards. :trophy:

Archery <3


This is a general love thread for THOSE shots, and archery.

Yes, yes. Arrows rise at first, then drop. Get over it -- the crosshair is calibrated for 50 yards, because calibrating the sight for 0 yards is just plain silly.
Just practice a bit before going out and missing, that's all; I consistently headshot anything within 50 yards.


That's another thing.

I just LOVE to hit people in the face or neck with the arrows.
Is it just me, or is arrow damage determined by the armor of the bodypart the arrow actually hits?
People seldom wear headgear... making shooting their heads even more satisfying.
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:23 am

Pfft, that's nothing compared to the 5 noscope killstreak I got last night. Got a Predator Missile from it and sent those bandits straight to Oblivion >=D
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:24 am

All my long range shots pass through enemies. Even a mammoth who was rather large my shots passed through him.
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:19 am

No such thing as a headshot in TES because we're all magical beings, therefor getting hit with an arrow in the hand is as dangerous as an arrow to the head.

Lold at above post, I was gonna put in "Go play COD" but figured it would seem offensive in someway :rolleyes:

Oh I also thought, from reading the title, that this was some sort of weird thread on Beth vs Notch the minecraft man :facepalm:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:48 am

I was using a bow quite a bit yesterday. It's cool, it sets things on fire. The cool thing was that when I went to loot the bandit I killed, I noticed the arrow was in his face, just below his iron helmet. It was a "dude, wear a full-face helmet" moment. Then Lydia rocked up and had an enemy's arrow in her neck. And at another time I had an arrow through my own head, was kinda funny. It disappeared though, didn't glitch out and stay put forever and a day.

I'm generally pretty [censored] with the aim, I can't even hit flying dragons when they're not actually that far away. Just struggle to estimate the timing and aiming to get 'em. How the hell did you get a hawk!? Slow-mo zoom?

EDIT: There is no locational damage with bows, correct?
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trisha punch
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:39 am

My favorite bow and arrow moment has to be on my feral bosmer character. I was hunting a saber tooth, after a few quickly loosed shots the beast came charging at me. I backpedaled, fell down a short cliff, then knocked my next arrow and looked up. The saber tooth leaped down the hill towards me, I zoomed in, took aim, and fired. My arrow sunk up to the fletching in the beasts mouth and it sailed over my shoulder dead.

It was insanely satisfying. <3 archery
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:07 pm

Yes, yes. Arrows rise at first, then drop. Get over it -- the crosshair is calibrated for 50 yards, because calibrating the sight for 0 yards is just plain silly.
Just practice a bit before going out and missing, that's all; I consistently headshot anything within 50 yards.

It does throw a wrench into everyone's aim who is used to Oblivion's system where you need to compensate for the arc yourself. The logic about crosshair calibration is invalid, bows can't be "calibrated" as you say, it is completely up to the user to judge distance to the target and compensate for the arrow's trajectory. And personally, I don't want the game babying me through that, so I've removed that feature.

But I agree with everything else. Archery is beautiful when you pull off that long-range sneak attack instant kill.

<3 Archery.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:50 pm

I spent a whole minute stalking a hawk from the floor in Solitude. Let fly, and nail the bastard on my first attempt. ;)
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:59 pm

so I've removed that feature.

Huh? How?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:08 am

The very first shot i did with a bow inside the first half hour of playing the game i shot a hawk out of the sky and it felt awesome. I've been rubbish ever since. My character is more of a gung-ho melee badass but next character i'm going to use the bow more and get my sneak on.
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:45 am

I came upon a dragon fighting a large group of bandits FAR off in the distance. I half mindedly knocked an arrow. After tracing the dragon around the sky for 5 or 10 seconds, I fired my bow. The dragon was a good 300 ft away, far off in the distance. I chuckled to myself, slung my bow over my shoulder, drew my sword and charged off towards the fight. After about 10 seconds I heart the THUNK and saw the message in the corner of my screen, "Critical Strike on Frost Dragon*. I looked towards the fight, and saw the wounded dragon crashing to the ground.

It was pretty [censored] funny. My random arrow crit the dragon, causing him to crash and then easily be killed...
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:30 am

I shot someone in the hand once, they died.. and yea, my long range shots go through the enemy with no damage. also it svcks that AI know the exact range the arrow will go.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:55 am

I use .ini tweaks to get rid of the ridiculous arrow auto-aim. Fans of archery should too. It's much more fun.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:40 pm

It does throw a wrench into everyone's aim who is used to Oblivion's system where you need to compensate for the arc yourself. The logic about crosshair calibration is invalid, bows can't be "calibrated" as you say, it is completely up to the user to judge distance to the target and compensate for the arrow's trajectory. And personally, I don't want the game babying me through that, so I've removed that feature.

But I agree with everything else. Archery is beautiful when you pull off that long-range sneak attack instant kill.

<3 Archery.

i hate the self-arking dwemer tech bows of skyrim, i miss being treated like i was smart enough to aim, everyne can do that, why does the game assume i cant? its annoying, but everything else is great wih archery :biggrin:

the best time iv ever had with a bow is when i was in whiterun. i was way ahead of the stormcloaks and just started 1-hiting every guard i aimed for. after fighting through maybe a dozen guards i jump up the side of the draw bridge and kill every enemy there :biggrin:
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stevie trent
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:38 am

I love Archery...can't wait to get it up over 60. I just hit 50....OK...OK...I'm taking my time.
Always wondered if you can pick off a hawk....never tried yet.
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:16 am

I really hate two things about archery though

1. The sneaking bow drawback is super unrealistic. What you would do irl is stand up to draw the bow back, or at least straighten yourself up a bit. What you would NOT do is hold the bow sideways. That would be amazingly hard to pull back for one, second, you couldn't get a full draw out of it, and third, the arrow wouldn't stay steady on the bow.

2. When two people are sitting next to each other, and I take out one of them with a single shot, the other guy immediately stands up, pulls his weapon out, and runs straight at me supposedly "looking" for me. I would prefer the guy to stand up and run away, run to cover, or simply stand up and start looking around, and NOT running directly at me, which brings me to 2a....

2a. If I got shot, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't know what friggin direction the arrow came from, let alone triangulate the exact position of my enemy and run straight at him. What should happen in that they stagger back, with an x% chance that they will fall down and do the "I submit animation" After the stagger/animation, they should proceed the run around looking for me, possibly getting near me, but not immediately detecting me and proceeding to bash my face in.
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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:31 am

1. The sneaking bow drawback is super unrealistic. What you would do irl is stand up to draw the bow back, or at least straighten yourself up a bit. What you would NOT do is hold the bow sideways. That would be amazingly hard to pull back for one, second, you couldn't get a full draw out of it, and third, the arrow wouldn't stay steady on the bow.

Uh... you are playing a game about killing dragons while talking to dragons and shouting like dragons.. let's not talk about what is realistic shall we
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:49 am

I really hate two things about archery though

1. The sneaking bow drawback is super unrealistic. What you would do irl is stand up to draw the bow back, or at least straighten yourself up a bit. What you would NOT do is hold the bow sideways. That would be amazingly hard to pull back for one, second, you couldn't get a full draw out of it, and third, the arrow wouldn't stay steady on the bow.

2. When two people are sitting next to each other, and I take out one of them with a single shot, the other guy immediately stands up, pulls his weapon out, and runs straight at me supposedly "looking" for me. I would prefer the guy to stand up and run away, run to cover, or simply stand up and start looking around, and NOT running directly at me, which brings me to 2a....

2a. If I got shot, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't know what friggin direction the arrow came from, let alone triangulate the exact position of my enemy and run straight at him. What should happen in that they stagger back, with an x% chance that they will fall down and do the "I submit animation" After the stagger/animation, they should proceed the run around looking for me, possibly getting near me, but not immediately detecting me and proceeding to bash my face in.

The way a person falls, and the way the arrow went into the body can tell you almost exactly the direction the arrow came from. You can do it with bullets too.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:10 am

I shot someone in the hand once, they died.. and yea, my long range shots go through the enemy with no damage. also it svcks that AI know the exact range the arrow will go.

Similar experience; I shot a deer in the leg (near the hoof) and it instantly died.
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:39 am

Ready, Notch, Aim... Loose... Flying... Flying... Flying... Dissapeared... :spotted owl:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:43 am

Archery is just amazing. I feel like I can make accurate shots like I never could before. I like the sound of nocking the arrow and it just feels real.

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maya papps
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:32 am

Or have you ever had slow time perk, and you think the arrow is fully ready to fire, and it goes 5 feet, and all the enemies hear it. Then you're just like FUUU.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:26 am


Put that in your .ini You can fiddle with the 7 a little to mess with the gravity settings.

My best yet was today. I was wondering from riverwood to windhelm on my brand new archer. When up the road I see a deer. However, it saw me at the same time and took off across the river. I went to shoot it, then I noticed a wolf was chasing it. Back and forth they went until I had had enough. I'm still across the river mind you. I take aim leading the deer. I let loose the arrow and to my sweet satisfaction I get the sound effect for a direct hit and see a health bar drop to zero. I'm excited at this point. I go to run across the river when I notice the deer is still running around, however...the wolf is now dead. Oh well. Still got my wolf pelt and was able to make some leather out of it.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:54 pm

I still love dropping arrows in peoples heads but, I admit, archery was a tad better in Oblivion.

I was pretty damn good at estimating range and droppage and landing an arrow in some dumb bandits head way over yonder in their camp.
Now I can't even hit the broad side of a mammoth from fairly nearby, thanks to the magical vanishing distance arrows. And that curvature is...annoying. I did honestly prefer Oblivions arrow curve, I really did. On Xbox, sadly, there is no fix for that. But Xbox will always be my gaming rig of choice Oblivion and Skyrim. Just can't get used to stuff on PCs.

Ah well. It'd be nice to have an option for it, or something. Pipe dream XD

As for best moment...well, there's been a few, mostly when walking up after a fight and thinking "Oh...dude...nice catch with your face there."
Although I also copped one in the face. Being Dragonborn must give me +100% protection to face skewering XD
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:36 am

Has anyone actually figured out why there is such a set limit on arrow distance? Or a way to modify it?
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