Real Crysis 2 Release Date

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:07 pm

So when does Crysis 2 actually come out? I mean the one on the jungle island with Nomad, Psycho, and Prophet. I mean, at the end of Crysis they were only flying back to the island to go join back up with Prophet? Why do they aliens walk around now? Flying around was too easy mode for them?

On a less serious note, I hate not being able to instantly power jump, I hate the armor mode power drain, i'm split on speed mode, I want the normal speed mode boost and the speed mode sprint mode but I like how they traded speed for length so it's not like whe-oh out of energy. Also why am I supposed to be killed? Who the hell are cell?
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:45 am

Crysis 2 came out on 3/22... Have you been living under a rock?
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:50 pm

Did you even read my post?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:31 am

So when does Crysis 2 actually come out? I mean the one on the jungle island with Nomad, Psycho, and Prophet. I mean, at the end of Crysis they were only flying back to the island to go join back up with Prophet? Why do they aliens walk around now? Flying around was too easy mode for them?

On a less serious note, I hate not being able to instantly power jump, I hate the armor mode power drain, i'm split on speed mode, I want the normal speed mode boost and the speed mode sprint mode but I like how they traded speed for length so it's not like whe-oh out of energy. Also why am I supposed to be killed? Who the hell are cell?

Yes, we read your post. And Crysis 2 came out March 22. HAVE you been living under a rock? Lol, anyways:

I don't really want to see Nomad again TBH. I don't LIKE him. He's BORING. ONE DIMENSIONAL. I think this was already established. It's a different story if it was the Gordon Freeman approach or something. Crysis 2 has Alcatraz who has no personality, but he's a dead man walking and the real character we control is the nanosuit 2, so that's TOTALLY different than boring Nomad. Psycho was cool tho, but not spectacular.

Now to answer your questions and in reply to your topic:
-Psycho and Nomad are both dead, Prophet was the only survivor, or so is stated in his bio.
-Aliens walk because these are the foot soldiers. We never fought the aliens themselves in Crysis 1, we fought their war machines. Also, evolution plays a part to their color and walking.
-Aliens do not fly anymore because they don't have the resources or energy to KEEP flying.
-YOU ARE able to instantly power jump. You have to hold the spacebar LOL
-You hate the armor mode drain? Noob alert
-No one really used speed mode except like every once in a while. It was mainly armor, cloak, and occasionally strength. The new power mode is better IMO. The streamline effect makes sense with both strength and speed in one. The length over speed, as you said, is for the better. And sliding is part of the "speed" aspect in the nanosuit 2. Strength aspects involve holding melee for a power punch, high jump, grab, super throw by holding right mouse button when holding an object, and power kick.
-Why are you supposed to get killed in the game? What is Cell? Dude, have you EVEN PLAYED Crysis 2? Lmfao
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:16 am

flying aliens would bork consoles so they only walk these days lol.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:14 am

Cell AI = Walking Alien AI
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:34 am

Cell AI = dumb. Shoot one and the others say "all clear" :)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:45 am

Except for the power mode stuff you have to hold the spacebar hence not instant. I'd rather flick to power and then jump. I have played crysis 2 but I didn't quite follow the story. For some reason i'm getting attacked and have to find this gould go guy and go blow some alien stuff up. Go kill this guy that had something to do with the nano suit project and then go blow up more alien stuff and prophect magically reappears in another nanosuit and the games over.

So in regards to the end of Crysis, Nomad and Psycho died right away and prophet escapes and there isn't enough story to warrant a game?

Also I want my lean.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:35 am

Except for the power mode stuff you have to hold the spacebar hence not instant. I'd rather flick to power and then jump. I have played crysis 2 but I didn't quite follow the story. For some reason i'm getting attacked and have to find this gould go guy and go blow some alien stuff up. Go kill this guy that had something to do with the nano suit project and then go blow up more alien stuff and prophect magically reappears in another nanosuit and the games over.1st bold: So basically you played through the game like a dead man walking, completely oblivious to what was going on around you except for the shooting parts? They state early on in the game that Prophet is infected by the virus that's killing everybody in the city and they want the suit's tech. CELL repeatedly let you know they want the nanosuit you're wearing, that's why they're trying to kill you.

2nd bold: Magically? As in you couldn't even tell that the nanosuited character you've been playing all this time looks EXACTLY like the one in the final cutscene? In case you haven't realised, Prophet's body is dead, but you've been using his nanosuit for the whole game, you can even see the assimilation in the latter part of the story to tell he's not truly dead after all.

I'm starting to think you might have just turned dialogue volume to zero and turned off subtitles, because that's the only logical way you could completely miss the story in the Crysis 2 campaign.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:53 am

Except for the power mode stuff you have to hold the spacebar hence not instant. I'd rather flick to power and then jump. I have played crysis 2 but I didn't quite follow the story. For some reason i'm getting attacked and have to find this gould go guy and go blow some alien stuff up. Go kill this guy that had something to do with the nano suit project and then go blow up more alien stuff and prophect magically reappears in another nanosuit and the games over.1st bold: So basically you played through the game like a dead man walking, completely oblivious to what was going on around you except for the shooting parts? They state early on in the game that Prophet is infected by the virus that's killing everybody in the city and they want the suit's tech. CELL repeatedly let you know they want the nanosuit you're wearing, that's why they're trying to kill you.

2nd bold: Magically? As in you couldn't even tell that the nanosuited character you've been playing all this time looks EXACTLY like the one in the final cutscene? In case you haven't realised, Prophet's body is dead, but you've been using his nanosuit for the whole game, you can even see the assimilation in the latter part of the story to tell he's not truly dead after all.

I'm starting to think you might have just turned dialogue volume to zero and turned off subtitles, because that's the only logical way you could completely miss the story in the Crysis 2 campaign.
Finaly someone who has reason in these forums lately ... every1 is QQing and biching about this... and u shove it up their ass... nice! >:D
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:07 am

So when does Crysis 2 actually come out? I mean the one on the jungle island with Nomad, Psycho, and Prophet. I mean, at the end of Crysis they were only flying back to the island to go join back up with Prophet? Why do they aliens walk around now? Flying around was too easy mode for them?

On a less serious note, I hate not being able to instantly power jump, I hate the armor mode power drain, i'm split on speed mode, I want the normal speed mode boost and the speed mode sprint mode but I like how they traded speed for length so it's not like whe-oh out of energy. Also why am I supposed to be killed? Who the hell are cell?

I normally approve most rants about this game, I didn't like the story either, but your post is completely moronic and evident that you are incapable of understanding plot mechanics. Go take an English class at college again. Luddite.
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