With the Pre-purchase bonus of "any race, any faction" and the Imperials being able to choose any faction, it seems to me that the choice of faction has lost all importance as far as character creation is concerned.
The other day when I was considering what character I was going to make, I realised that taking out the influence of friends (and the rather contrived pseudo political differences that make no actual difference to your character) there is no real reason to choose one faction over another. And no real difference between any of them.
Oh sure, they start in different areas and in some "Alliance Wars" faction "1" will be kickin' butt; but when it comes down to it, if I rolled an Imperial for example, why should I choose one faction over another? None of them make any real difference to my character and this is my point. Shouldn't faction choice make a difference?
What if when I joined Faction1 I got a +3% Health bonus
Faction2 a +3% Magicka bonus
or Faction3 a +3% Stamina bonus
It certainly wouldn't be game breaking but it would go towards adding a little flavour to the choice of faction
Or how about
+5% gold price on items sold
+5% crit strike bonus
+5% movement speed
Now I've just plucked these ideas out of my head as examples and I'm sure they might be a bit unbalanced but this sort of thing, imo, would bring back some importance to the decision and add some flavour to the choice of faction.