Similar problem to top of page 5, question(s), and idea
Please update to 1.2.1. I uploaded to FO3Nexus.
havent ao quest yet, but i have it, is there food/drink enough in alaska or should i use RT timescale/disable PN?
Unfortunately, I don't have enough time for going to Alaska currently

I am not sure there is enough food or not.
I'll check loot table and container in OA later.
i noticed mmm added a new meat... will PN woork with it or do i need to add i myself?
No, it's not work. MMM added a scorpion meat, and I think it's rare. Primary Needs 2.0 will have MMM plugin.
I have a lot of food. it being 200+ years later is it possible to make a consumed item randomly not work (wasted) or even urt you (like -20 hp). giving diseases being too complex. the idea is that some prewar food has unknowingly gone bad. freshly killed meat could be bad too. i ws thinking 5% chance for each. do something similar for water too?
There is two approaches. One is a reducing entire food amount in Wasteland, and another one is a increasing risk of food. I take first one, and next major update have LootTable plugin which drastically reduced Pre-War food and other food also. That plugin also eliminate *placed* food and waters. (except sugar bomb).
I think both way makes similar result/feeling. Adding disease or more penalties makes more micro managements and I would like to avoid that.
another idea: vitamin pills, non addicting, non-stackable benefits, drug.
Thank you suggestions. I'll take a look this weekend. I hope I can release RI - Primary Needs 2.0.0 in this coming weekend.