So you've found a model for the mattress. I was gonna suggest using a trader outfit myself; I'll be glad to see the plate replaced.
Currently, I'm having difficulty to placing a mat... ;( Maybe will replace to trader outfit world model, or other thing.
1. I noticed the moderate wound effect doesn't work. It's appears the cause is it not being an "addiction" effect although I don't understand why.
2. When I used a bandage directly from the inventory and then decided not to actually do anything, it was still used up.
3. The tourniquette cuff seemed too expensive and rare for its rather weak effect. I got only one from the doc at Megaton.
Fixed. I'm currently preparing beta 4. Beta 4 will lose compatibility with beta 3. I'm trying to keep but currently I have no luck.
It may work, but given that wounds are cumulative, I'd prefer you'd treat wounds more like the medical brace penalties, and allow a higher wound state.
Not yet decided final specs. Still thinking what's kind of penalty may fit. Trying various penalty settings like drain action points, or drain endurance...
Even a "moderate wound" can effectively cripple most characters. I found that in an actual combat situation, I quickly got to severe wound(s) and was down to 1 STR - and that was with the dysfunctional moderate wound. Admittedly, it might not be so bad and happen more slowly with vanilla FO3, but then again I was in Megaton and I imagine once I'm fighting Super Mutants in DC, it'll be even more likely. Besides, lots of people use lots of mods, and it'd be nice if RI meshed well with other mods.
I'm testing with MMM mostly. I guess you increased weapon damages slightly. It's a damage base, drastically increased damage makes high wound chance.
Try to adjust RIWoundsThreshold (Global). Formula is simple, (damage - threshold) % chance. I changed this formula after beta 3.1, and currently run play testing. New formula will be (damage - (threshold + DR)).
I've gotta ask one question though. You are concerned about performance, but you use script-based health regen. Sure, the default system doesn't offer a 5 second delay, but is that really necessary? You could just give the player a short health boost using a standard health restoration effect that doesn't last as long as the scripted cure wounds effect.
Replacing to standard restore health effect means adding new healing alternatives, I think. And that scripted effect is limited duration and separated.
Most of problem caused from really short interval quest script with *long* process. I split long quest scripts and made a variable placeholder separately. Also, I am trying to keep running minimum scripts only. Needs more optimization but better than before.
It's a pity you got rid of the old system; I liked it, and I meant to suggest a simpler recovery mechanic until you posted your revised system.
That was a condition base with state management. And new one is a chance base without state management. 2.6.6 will be final version of current implementation. I will hold 2.6.x archive and will continue to maintenance. Mostly bug fixes only. If you really likes 2.6's mechanism you can continue to use 2.6.x

Ideal chance rate is a 1 or 2 wounds during moderate duration of combat. ( around 2 to 3 mins )
Take the initialization part. Two IF clauses checking the same two conditions (well, kinda) with a single command being different in the end. That can easily be streamlined so you only check for each condition once for the same effect.
Thanks, that portion is a most oldest script.
By the way, maybe you could help me understand why Stage 1 doesn't appear to be repeated every time the script runs? It looks like case 1 should generally be true after RI is enabled.
I think it's a engine issue. Fallout engine never allow 'repeatable stage' even if set the repeatable flag.