The Ascended Sleeper - I almost said ITS EASY!! but it reality , it is not , it would have been better if i sculpted these with tools but . nope did not use anything but my freaky hands .... so what you need to do is get a cheap plastic white mask from the rag shop , the buckethead mask ! that exactly (for those of you who do not know who buckethead is , shame on you and GO TO GOOGLE) THEN get a box of cheap tin foil since you will be wasting it , three 1 pound boxes of super sculpy yourself a favor and get some cheap sculpting kit tools .. cover your buckethead mask completely with tin foil and smooth it out real nice so you can still make out where the eye holes should be and really just go to town and sculpt away , keep a few different views up of the mask you desire to check back on as refrence ...go to a model shop get a small can of black gloss spraypaint as your base after you cook your mask then just layer silvers , golds browns bronze whatever color your heart desires over that gloss black base it will give natural aged shadow illusion and dimension also be patient with this project , it is not meant to be sculpted in three hours , cooked then primed and painted lol i am just overkilling myself.
aSaPp!5@ Thank you ! and my helm started out nothing but cardboard and duct tape my friend .... the helm and the briast armor were made from a product called quick steel , an apoxy putty , for my hands near impossible to work with ... you have to cut bits off kneed them quickly to activate it as a putty and hardener and it cures QUICKLY most of you would know that stuff from doing home repairs , i make armor with it lol ... to slow down the curing process you need to keep dunking your hands and the putty in water , it is a pain but like the clay you can dremel it , sand it , paint it ... you just do not need to cook it and i did not want to put duct tape or clothing in an oven so i went the quick steel rout ..... so you can actually start something with products like cardboard , i am pretty known for making things out of complete garbage ...honestly i think i would panic at the thought of using real tools hahaah.... this project has taken a few weeks added together maybe two and a half weeks working time if i added all of that up together , i was a huge procrastinator with the sanding i made a lot more bone and fossil jewelry then i had shown lot more reandom odds n ends just to bring it together and make it lifelike and i am still stalling on the skirt as if it is going to mystically going to build itself.
dinmenel sorry dude , this is my game so i would have to be wearing the amulet

lol and thank you again to everyone else , see you at pax butt heads