It's likely that in the Fallout world it was China that remained hardcoe communist, while the Soviet Union evolved towards "market communism" like today's China, and had better relations with the US.
As for Nixon, we know he existed because there's a Nixon doll in FO2.
Also, Ethyl Wright says:
Maybe Nixon in the Fallout universe is considered one of the greatest presidents of all time? Too bad there's no huge Nixon Memorial in DC.

Also, the GNN Transcript in Sierra Army Depot mentions Reagan, but this holodisk is full of timeline errors and is considered non-canon.
Ok, since Nixon was around, it is both possible he was a very popular politician, like in our time, and he probably was an actor within the executive branch both as Vice President and President. I would stipulate, in this Cold War gone wrong, that he probably won in a landslide up against Kennedy, events would have to then move up for him to have the same impact his second term would have in our timeline, such as SALT I and his actions in the Sino-Soviet split. It could also be possible he had no hand in the Sino-Soviet split or SALT I, or there could have been no SALT I, since it was out more of desperation, I think it is highly possible there was no Watergate, than legitimate concern for nuclear winter.
I don't know if China remaining hardcoe communist fits with the same China that contracted American companies, if you remember the Soviet Union only stole technology from the supposedly "decadent West", to make their weapons even at the height of the tensions between China and the United States, which has been proof to me that Vault-Tec may have also built them Vaults sometime before the war.
If China also remained exclusively communist, one without two systems and only one, after the death of Mao it would have remained very backward, especially with the failure of the Great Leap Forward. I could see a much less communist Soviet Union, however, surviving by really following the lead of Khrushchev, which would mean his domestic plans, which were similar to those after Mao that involved de-collectivization, would have worked instead of failed. We're assuming, of course, both countries had their respective periods of Stalinzation and then following rejection. If that is true, it is even more possible presidents after Nixon helped the Soviet Union and communist China "stay the course" sort of speak into the 21st century, getting rid of Stalinization and a form of EEP being implemented back into both countries, but not the full elimination of communism within both societies.
It becomes possible then that as paranoia arose the people didn't want these "laissez-faire" presidents anymore and would elect Reagan, who was more known for his stiff hand against the "Communist Threat" and with Reagan you have the idea, vis-?-vis the idea behind the Enclave, of corporate infiltration, Iran-Contra scandal, into the highest office in the land.
I would have really like to have seen a long nosed likeness of Nixon somewhere near the Lincoln Memorial, they would have been an ironic comparison, there still is a whole other segment of DC undiscovered though, but, of course, there still isn't a statue in DC for Reagan either.

If the Fallout timeline follows ours closely until the fifties and stays that way without any type of civil rights movement or political overhaul of de jure racial segregation, their would be vestiges of segregation all over F03's D.C. setting. Brown v. Board of Education's companion case, Bolling v. Sharpe, actually dealt with segregated schools in D.C., giving a separate constitutional rationale (5th Amendment rather than 14th, since the equal protection clause only restricts state govt while the Bill of Rights restricts the federal) for why it wasn't OK for the federal government to segregate. D.C. has a long history of racial segregation, and even when the federal government was coming down on the states in the South for their asshattery, D.C. city officials maintained that their unique legal status as a wholly federal district rather than a state made them an exception to the rule.
Also, granted its a simulation so Dr. Braun can tweak it however he wants to accommodate the VR captives in Vault 112, but Old Lady Dithers is quite out of place in his pristine 50s neighborhood simulation. At any rate, it appears the racial landscape was really shaken up by the war, given that Eulogy Jones and Leroy Walters, the two most prominent/powerful slavers in the game, are black and slaves appear to be people without guns rather than any particular race. Probably deliberate irony on the part of the developers, playing with the symbolism of Lincoln and abolition and all that, but that's the closest they come to broaching the admittedly touchy subject of our nasty history of racial inequality.
IMO if game writers/developers were more bold with this kind of stuff, they might sell less and attract more controversy outside the typical "video games are gratuitously violent and full of six, drugs and cop killing", but it would go a long way toward it being taken more seriously as an art form. For all the crap the Grand Theft Auto series takes, I think GTA IV actually had some balls and tackled some serious [censored] in the story, including the main character's past as a Serbian war criminal, grappling with what the "American Dream" actually means etc. I'd like to see more of that kind of stuff.
do not forgot that the simulation of braun also was based on his childhood in a 'eastern' germany town, maybe events like the black lady who was sitting in front of the bus and king with his speeches also did happen one way or another.
There has never really been any inferences, implicit and explicit, to present or past racism within the Fallout universe and I have had suspended belief around the entire subject, especially with how pro-communist black people were at the time, there would have been greater suspicion about them. Once you are thrust out into the wilderness, all alone, however, I think if you are a white person and stumble across someone who is black the last thing your going to do is say anything about skin color.
Survivalist groups, however, like Aryan Nation or the KKK, who would have probably purchased their own Vaults out in the middle of nowhere where bombs probably didn't even fall not surviving made no real sense to me but I could understand not wanting to depict bigots, because even in our own timeline they made little sense. I could see the government cracking down on separatist militias, especially with the huge riots that were taking place just before the Great War, thus eliminating them.
I doubt, with such a controlling government, MLK jr. would have been allowed to proceed with a march on Washington, which explain a sort of pressure exploding out from all levels of society lashing out just before the Great War climixed. As for why there aren't "No Colored People Allowed" signs in store fronts dotting DC, I can't really explain, its hard to see a Maryland without the occasional KKK member or skin head. But that doesn't mean there wasn't racism or segregation, racism with all the prosperity in the 50s was a "taboo" subject to broach, which I said before would have led to Kennedy losing and Nixon winning, there may not have been explicit racism by the Great War anymore but society had worked so harshly against other races its possible implicit racism was extremely prevalent. I also think Rosa Parks probably would have been killed along with King to control the populace, I could have seen the NAACP becoming a "terrorist" organization for inspiring "anti-war" sentiments in its infancy and connections to communist "sympathizers" like W.E.B. Du Bois.
I think this has been said before, I know I have said this was the silent irony behind Fallout, but, black people would have been as poor as they were in our timeline, if there wasn't a desegregation movement, then they would have been dirt poor and the only way for any of them to get into a Vault would have been running in at the last minute AFTER all the other rich people would have made their way to a cushy seat waiting for them. It explains the sparse prevalence of black people, this argument could be used for a typical white racist like a KKK member, who wouldn't have afforded their way into a Vault either unless they ran into one.