» Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:57 pm
QUOTE: But the problem is power, we just don't have a portable power source with long operation time for such heavy-duty machines.
That's also why we don't have laser weapons. The technology exists to create a five milliwatt laser that puts a red dot on a target to indicate where the bullet is headed (one of my guns is equipped with one), so the technology exists to create a 50,000-watt version, a handheld weapon that could burn a hole through a steel plate. But we can't make a portable power source that kicks out 50,000 watts.
QUOTE: Eventually, one dark night when his power armour fuel cells are empty, the night-vision gear is on the blink, the comms are down, the all-singing all-dancing scope on his light-weight ultra-modern assault rifle is blurred up from the rain, some half trained, half-starved enemy will sneak up and bash him on the head with a lump of wood.
Or ventilate him with a cheap Czach-surplus AK-47, which is probably easier to find in some places than lumps of wood. The rifle in question might be all clogged up with rust, dust, sand, dirt, mud, ash, gravel, and bird poop. But when the guy pulls the trigger, it still goes bang bang bang.