I came out of the Lonely chapel walked in a straight line from the door, get to a smal ledge drop down to a recess with a yao gau in it an just beyond that is a pool, but between the pool and the recess was a hatch, a settler was walking around with a gun i went into the hatch, the settler came in behind me bumped me into the ladder which then went to the load screen and it crashed the game, but ive been back so many times and its not there, it was a hatch just like the storm shelter hatches its near some wrecked cars.
Im a fanatical explorer and i hate missing anything, and i cant find it again, if anyone knows of it and whether its a permanent location of just appears and goes away, id like to know, because its hard to tell with my game its just one big bug, exterminators are jumping off buildings just thinking of it.