» Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:26 am
Semi real. When moons are full it could be slightly darker than now, but with no moons it should be *fairly* dark. You'd be surprised how well your eyes adapt, and how well you really see, when there is snow. There isn't much time of "full darkness" in the game, considering the atmospheric glow should also provide ambient lighting. In the shadows of the snowless woods, it should "appear" to be darker (since ground is darker). However, if we got seasons, and game mechanics to advance time every now and then, that atmospheric glow would have much more purpose. At summer, sun pretty much never sets at all. At winter, it is hardly daylight. Both have slow sunsets and sunrises. At autumn and spring, you get equal day and night cycle but with longer sunsets and sunrises.
They should really take a look at how Arma2 Operation Arrowhead handles darkness and moonlight at various phases. Then just add a tad of light (due two moons and to have it slightly less realistic). There shouldn't be much "blue for night" going on, but rather do (semi) proper filtering, so that less illuminated pixels turns to gray, and well illuminated pixels remain their color.
Another *VERY* important aspect, in order to retain your night vision, is to have a dark interface that doesn't blind you. I made a black/red "marker overlay" in Arma2 that is put over the white map, according to the suns elevation, and it helps immensely. But there dark nights are truly dark. Don't think we need that level of realism here, although it should be plenty darker.