I get an error message when loading the game initially saying that the parent plugin file(s) has been changed or something like that.
Though nothing seems to be affected by this, I was just wondering if someone can tell me what is causing the message and if there's a way to get rid of it?
EDIT: The exact message is...
"One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or gameplay. Check the 'Warning.txt' file for me information."
The Warning.txt tells me...
"One of the files that 'RealSignposts.esp' is dependent on has changed since the last save.
This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
but not necessarily fix any errors."
EDIT 2: I actually found a fix for this exact problem:
"If you really want to use that plugin or if you get the same error message with other plugins you can use the Construction Set to 'update' the plugins .esp file.
Open up the Construction Set and click on File. From the drop down menu select Data Files (or just click the 'open folder' icon). The box that appears shows a list of all the master and plugin files you have installed. Look down the list for the name of the plugin you want to update. Click on the plugin ONCE to highlight it. Look across to the right hand side of the box, under 'Parent Masters' will be the names of the master files that the plugin requires (usually morrowind.esm). Now double click on the name of the master file so that a cross appears next to it's name. Now double click the name of the plugin file so that a cross appears next to that as well. Now click on the 'Set as Active File' button underneath the list of files and click on the OK button (bottom right). Wait for the files to load, once they've loaded just click on File then Save. Exit the Construction Set and load up the game. Go into Data Files and select the plugin you just updated. Load your save game, you may see a message about "File has changed since last save......". Once your game has loaded save again. If you now re-load your save game there should be no error messages."
It worked like a charm and now I get no warning messages.
Hopes this helps someone who might have this problem.